With Reverse Auction Factory, end-users can post their requests in order to obtain the best price for needed services or desired products. This means that they can choose the lowest price or what they consider would be the best deal for them. The component can be used to organize auctions in different fields of interest. Here just a couple of examples:
Reverse Auction Factory 1.5.9 released on April 19, 2011.
Reverse Auction Factory 1.5.8 released on March 28, 2011.
Article Factory Manager is a very useful tool for any article driven sites. As the title inspires its an article manager with various features, like management of the articles, edit, delete, publish, etc. It also providing a new Approval System, much more simplified then the one present in the Joomla core. Read more... article Factory Manager 2.5.0 released on April 13, 2011.
article Factory Manager 2.0.1 released on February 28, 2011.
article Factory Manager 2.0.0 released on February 11, 2011.
Google is getting ready to launch a new feature, the +1 button. The name pretty much says it all, you see something you like, you press +1 and it ads to a list on your profile.
The +1 button can appear in multiple places, for starters it appears next to a page when browsing with Google, it also appears in Ads or Articles. Items you +1 will show under your +1 tab from your profile, since this feature is a public one, other people will be able to see your +1’s.
Read more: Google plus one - the step towards a social networking search engine?
Read more: Do you want to make an Auction Website like eBay?
Joomla! is a free and open source Content Management System (CMS) that allows you to build Web sites without any previous programming experience.The easy to use interface along with its extensions have made it into one of the most desired and popular programs for starting up a website. It is designed to be easy to install and setup even if you have basic computer knowledge, some Web hosting services offer one-click installs so it can take only a few minutes to get a site on it's feet. If you want to create a fast website for a client, it is very easy to explain to your client a few basic instructions and he will be able to maintain and improve the website on his own. | |
Drupal is also a free and open source CMS but is considered to be less user friendly, requiring a lot more time and experience to become acquainted with. Administrator menu was hard to use in the early version but has improved as new versions launched. After you get used to it offers more flexibility and power than other CMS’s out there. Drupal is used more in the corporate and large business environment whilst Joomla! is better suited for small ventures and entry level users. |