new DOMAIN NAME for us! 10 years 4 months ago #1

  • Erik F
  • Project Manager
  • Bukarest, Rumänien
  • Localtime: 12:48
  • Europe/Bucharest
  • Posts: 5075
Our motivation for success comes from constantly improving our products and the innate desire to maintain our professional relationships at the highest standards, which is why in 2014 we decided to change our infrastructure (integrated platform including web presence, ticket system, project management system and internal tools) in order to especially ease and enhance the customer support area and to abide by the rule that "less is more".

Most of the changes are on the backend area involving the work-flow, but other modifications can be generally seen on page- and product layout, as well as changing the domain name from - - (used between 2006 and 2014) to a new domain name (starting with September 1st 2014), more representative to our range of products and services - -

USERS. Existing user database will be further kept, allowing users to login on the new site with the same credentials (username and password).
Once logged on the site, forum and ticket system are now accessible directly, without a separate login.

PRODUCTS. Since Joomla! recently changed the release cycle policies regarding long term and short term supported versions, we wanted to make things easier for our customers, by merging our products for different Joomla! versions, into one single product.
In other words, if until now we distributed 4 different products for an extension, one for each major Joomla! version: J!1.0, J!1.5, J!2.5, J!3.x, we are offering from now on, for each extension, a single product with support and updates for its latest J!3.x version and as a bonus download according to our Terms & Conditions, also a J!2.5 version for download. Product versions for J!1.0 and J!1.5 are now discontinued!

Existing ORDERS. Valid orders that have not yet EXPIRED (no older than one year) are still further supported!
Example 1. -
A valid order for Auction Factory J! 3.x is now receiving the download kit for J!3.x and also as a bonus download the kit for J!2.5.
Example 2. -
A valid order for Auction Factory J! 2.5 is now receiving the download kit for J!3.x and also as a bonus download the kit for J!2.5.
Example 3. -
A valid order for Auction Factory J! 1.5 is now receiving the download kit for J!3.x and also as a bonus download the kit for J!2.5.

Attention! There are changes regarding the workflow of the support ticket system (like NO EMAIL reply) and downloading updates! Please check

If you encounter any issue or notice something strange, please let us know!
Thank you!
thePHPfactory Team
Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by Erik F.
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