| × By using thePHPfactory.com you agree to our use of cookies to enhance your browser experience. In case of the big solutions like Auction, Reverse, Ads, .... Factory we are providing a templetized solution which can be adapted in any way the webmaster wants. Regarding this we do not intervine in any way, since this is not our responsability, each webmaster beeing responsable of the way he configures the look of his site. Generaly for this they are tutorials in the Documentation section, which are providing the needed information. Here an example: www.thefactory.ro/support/documentation/...lating-tutorial.html Also a very common question on the forum and on the support ticket system is: "How do I change the color?" For this, out of experience the best advise till now was to guide to the following solution: >> Use the Firefox Browser >> Install the Firebug extension available for this browser >> Use the INSPECT function >>
Some quick video tutorials can be found here: vimeo.com/3087755 www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6F-D61S-h4 >> After identifing the needed code you can start altering the CSS file. For very real beginners, who never edited a CSS file before, i suggest first for them to "google" a little bit, the see exactly what a CSS file is, what kind of information are, and can be defined there. Also please just in case... before doing any changes do a back-up copy just in case ;) Firebug Homepage: addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/1843/ |
thePHPfactory Team The topic has been locked. |
| × By using thePHPfactory.com you agree to our use of cookies to enhance your browser experience. Smarty is a template engine, which has actually nothing to do with Joomla. If an application offers Smarty template engine, this only helps the webmaster in obtaining a very flexible web presence design which is far more easy to manipulate, then other systems or none. Here you will find allot of infos how the Smarty templates can be used: www.smarty.net/manual/en/ In order to update much easier, we recommend that you note all the changes made on the templates, then apply them on each update in order to avoid any issues! |
thePHPfactory Team The topic has been locked. |