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I have a couple of questions regarding Private Auctions, if someone can help. :)
1. When the auction is private, the bids are hidden - is the current bid price also hidden?
I'd like everything to be hidden and for the person to make their only/final bid and wait to hear the winner is.
2. When viewing past auctions, will the bids still be hidden for everyone?
I would like to keep it private always, only the admin knows what the winning bid amount was and who won it.
We are the only single Auctioneers, all members will be bidders only.
Is there a way to turn off having to carry a balance and remove add/withdraw funds?
Meaning, can people just pay for a won auction without having to carry a balance?
I wasn't sure if it was in the admin or just a matter of changing the wording.
Thank you again!