Love Factory 4.6.8 released on October 5, 2020.
- New feature: added password is same as repeat password javascript check on registration.
Love Factory 4.6.7 released on May 12, 2020.
- New feature: added notification when an opposite gender member joins a group.
- New feature: orders and payments can now be marked as refunded after being marked as completed.
- New feature: added tokens group title and URL to the opposite gender joined group notification.
- New feature: added Mollie payment gateway.
- Optimization: routes to group view now use an existing groups view Itemid.
- Fixed several issues including Ajax registration check on username and email, display group comments, sending message to reporting user, member join CRON opposite gender group, password requirements check on Love Factory registration, profile photo upload URL, Smarty templates when using both Jobs Factory and Love Factory, main photo upload on https, opposite gender notification group URL.
Love Factory 4.6.6 released on April 20, 2020.
- Optimization: trigger event when message is read.
- Optimization: logging IPN requests in
- Optimization: updated Targetpay gateway.
- Fixed an issue regarding displaying fields available only for some genders, when the gender field was not present on the page.
Love Factory 4.6.5 released on January 15, 2020.
- New feature: implemented Paysafecard payment plugin.
- New feature: added new field type link.
- New feature: added option to the members module to display selected members.
- Optimization: profile photo field requires photo upload only if the member does not already have a photo uploaded.
- Optimization: profile photo fields re-populates the value with last submitted entry when submitting an invalid form.
- Fixed several issues including two profile photo fields on the registration page, registering a new user.
Love Factory 4.6.4 released on October 4, 2019.
- New feature: added option to use Google Maps styling wizard JSON code.
- New feature: added global tokens for all notifications site_name and site_url.
- Optimization: added iconv polyfill in case the iconv extension is not loaded.
- Optimization: several optimizations to the profile photo field in edit mode: removed non-ajax mode, allow users to clear or remove the old profile photo, field is now more user friendly.
- Optimization: photo set as profile photo can now be directly removed, instead of clearing it as profile photo and then removed.
- Optimization: photos pending approval can now be set as profile photo. Until the photo is actually approved, the profile will use the default photo.
- Optimization: a photo can now be set as profile photo, without needing to clear the old profile photo first.
- Optimization: improved mobile friendly for dialog modals.
- Optimization: refactored the photos view to be more mobile friendly.
- Optimization: admin registration notification status and receiving user groups are now managed from Love Factory's admin notification settings.
- Fixed issues regarding invalid Google Maps styling wizard code, missing photos menu item, photos pending approval can be viewed by owners, photo routes not SEF when SEF enabled, Save and Next button on backend report page, Save and Close button on backend report page, profile report backend profile link, profile backend page when user does not have a Love Factory profile.
Love Factory 4.6.3 released on July 26, 2019.
- New feature: added option to confirm when blocking a member.
- New feature: added option to remove pending friendship and/or relationship requests and friendship and/or relationship when blocking another user.
- New feature: added rating updated notification.
- New feature: added option to set the current Menu ItemId when using the Router Profile plugin.
- Optimization: do not show interaction options (quick message, friendship, interactions) on profile page if the visiting member has been blocked.
- Optimization: banned words file storage optimization.
- Optimization: png photo upload transparency.
- Optimization: reorganized profile view page settings.
- Optimization: reorganized backend settings section.
- Optimization: administrator notifications will now be sent using the receiving user's language.
- Optimization: Joomla 4 alpha 10 compatibility.
- Fixed issue regarding banned words file on update.
Love Factory 4.6.2 released on July 18, 2019.
- New feature: added option to crop thumbnails so that all the thumbnails are of the same dimension.
- Optimization: added a button for each price available on thememberships page, to emphasize the call to action.
- Fixed issues regarding members module thumbnail size, router profile plugin with default Itemid.
Love Factory 4.6.1 released on June 26, 2019.
- New feature: added Profile Router system plugin.
- Optimization: do not display user actions (send quick message, ask for friendship, etc.) if user is restricted to intereact with another user.
- Optimization: do not show user actions (send quick message, ask for friendship, etc.) if the user displayed is the currently logged in user.
- Optimization: a more clear message when user is restricted from posting comments.
- Optimization: comments pending approval are now marked more clearly.
- Fixed several issues including missing report button on video page, Previous and Next videos buttons on video page sometimes displayed wrong URLs, Login anchor URL was not set, Upgrade membership anchor URL was not set, prevent blocked users from sending messages to users that have blocked them, display user action buttons on Friends page, groups posts page, removing reports from the backend, marking an expired membership as active from the backend, backend page edit when adding a new field, date timezone issues for several views, debug panel is displayed now only when Joomla debug is enabled, multilanguage site redrect after login, profile avatar pixelation, profile page with profile router enabled on multilanguage site, etc.
Love Factory 4.6.0 released on March 29, 2019.
- Compatibility to Joomla! 4.x.
- New feature: added option to pixelate photos for guests.
- New feature: "View profile photo" restriction will now pixelate all photos, not just profile photos.
- New feature: added permissions to manage the extension on the backend: Global Configuration / Love Factory / Permissions.
- Improved Videos, Photos and Comments sections (new layouts, improved workflow).
- Improved modal dialogs (quick message, friendship requests, relationship requests, report).
- Optimization: default thumbnail photo location changed to: /media/com_lovefactory/images/thumbnail/default.png
- Optimization: Gender photo is now enabled by default and uses .png files.
- Optimization: Gender photo location changed to: /media/com_lovefactory/images/thumbnail
- Multiple small optimizations.
- Fixed multiple small issues including gender field on search form, router plugin with multilanguage site.
- ATTENTION! The required minimum PHP version is 7.1.3!
- NOTICE! Default membership now must have at least one photo available if using the profile photo upload field on registration form.
Love Factory 4.5.9 released on January 29, 2019.
- Fixed issues regarding display payment gateway parameters, redirect when purchasing membership as guest, My Friends online display.
Love Factory 4.5.8 released on October 3, 2018.
- Fixed issues regarding JavaScript when composing message, messages tables update from 4.1.5 to latest, display payment gateway parameters.
Love Factory 4.5.7 released on June 27, 2018.
- New feature: option to sort and toggle membership features displayed on Memberships page.
- Optimization: removed unused option from settings.
- Fixed issues regarding friends privacy field, free membership activation.
Love Factory 4.5.6 released on March 27, 2018.
- New feature: confirmation email field.
- Optimization: added option to debug geocoding requests to log file.
- Fixed issues regarding Google Maps Api Key, message body in notification for users not allowed to read received messages, display multiple members from same location on new page instead of map, username on members module.
Love Factory 4.5.5 released on March 7, 2018.
- New feature: users batch membership change from backend.
- New feature: show user profile photo on backend users list.
- Optimization: do not count users per membership on backend.
- Fixed issue regarding invalid sold membership.
Love Factory 4.5.4 released on February 1, 2018.
- New feature: Love Factory authorization plugin.
- New feature: added option to hide date on Members module.
- Fixed issues regarding updating Google Maps location fields, marker grouping display.
Love Factory 4.5.3 released on November 1, 2017.
- New feature: profile custom fields can now be assigned to a gender.
- New feature: send message to the reporting user when resolving a report.
- Fixed issues regarding profile photo ajax upload, non-smarty template to search module, message replies restriction, redirect after registration, redirect on membership purchase page.
Love Factory 4.5.2 released on September 21, 2017.
- New feature: added option to display username as name in shoutbox module.
- Improvement: updated the memberships view.
- Optimization: added interaction type token to the interaction notification.
- Fixed issues regarding users rating a profile that has blocked them, grouped members count when using simple markers, grouped markers color when using simple markers, track logged in user when user blocked.
Love Factory 4.5.1 released on July 3, 2017.
- New feature: added option to terms and conditions field to just display a text and no checkbox.
- New feature: use simple markers on location map to improve performance.
- Optimization: redirect user to registration page when accessing a membership price as guest.
- Optimization: possible issue with update on corrupted database.
- Fixed issues regarding display at Info bar update profile, send mail to administrators on registration, registration admin notification mail, preserve banned words list on update, field privacy label translation, Ban user from report.
Love Factory 4.5.0 released on April 26, 2017.
- Compatibility to Joomla! 3.7
- Optimization: members map multiple users in same location mobile optimization.
- Optimization: removed unused configuration options.
- Optimization: updated ReCaptcha to v2.
- Fixed issues regarding backend field image option, settings file, backend memberships edit, PHP 7 on members module, profile not being marked as filled properly, payment gateway display on backend.
Love Factory 4.4.9 released on February 28, 2017.
- Implemented online update system.
Love Factory 4.4.8 released on January 3, 2017.
- Fixed issues regarding payment notification, updated image resize utility.
Love Factory 4.4.7 released on October 11, 2016.
- New feature: added images to checkbox and radio fields.
- New feature: redirect user to original page after logging in from a restricted page.
- Fixed issue regarding date of birth field on radius search page, Ajax pagination on module, Photos field link on backend, Friends field link on backend, profile photo and username zone links on backend, creating default profile, redirect after signup, profile photo field when ajax is disabled.
Love Factory 4.4.6 released on September 21, 2016.
- New feature: added option to create Info Bar button links only using the Itemids.
- Optimization: improved backend settings Info Bar menu item ids selection.
- Fixed issues regarding backend invoices page from and to filters, display profile on backend, marker clusterer image path.
Love Factory 4.4.5 released on August 25, 2016.
- New feature: added save search feature.
- New feature: added backend option to mark profiles as filled.
- New feature: User membership archive on backend.
- Optimization: added the box limit to backend paginations.
- Fixed issues regarding reminder on Profile fillin, gender restriction on photos and videos, status and rating, notification when responding to an interaction, display profile, module user statistics, timezone on members birthday module.
Love Factory 4.4.4 released on August 8, 2016.
- Updated Love Factory Router Plugin.
- Attention! Starting with this version, due to the latest Joomla changes, the Love Factory Router Plugin should be ordered after the System/Language Filter plugin (on Joomla's Plugins page, filter by system plugins and order the plugins).
- Fixed issue regarding module on Joomla profile page.
Love Factory 4.4.3 released on June 13, 2016.
- New feature: profile fill-in can now be used with both registration types (Love and Joomla).
- New feature: pages restrictions can now be set from the settings (security section).
- New feature: select where to be redirected when clicking on profile photo.
- New feature: photo profile field using Ajax upload.
- New feature: user able to remove his account.
- New feature: added meta description and keywords for each page.
- Optimization: user delete dependencies.
- Optimization: members module display on mobiles.
- Updated marker clusterer script.
- Several small issues and optimizations, including zone username token, modules and security rules, access invoice on backend, invoice buyer template add field button, save backend settings when wrong Google Maps key is entered, membership and photos fields.
Love Factory 4.4.2 released on March 10, 2016.
- Compatibilty to Joomla! 3.5
- Compatibilty to PHP 7
- New feature: added CRON Log.
- Optimization: do not show friends privacy option when friends are disabled.
- Fixed issues regarding tokens on ending membership notification, SSL on members map, profile approval on backend, restriction regarding default membership when filling profile, zone username token (in case display name was not set), etc.
Love Factory 4.4.1 released on January 21, 2016.
- Refactored intergration with Chat Factory (will work only with Chat Factory 4.3.8 and above).
- Optimisation: when using Joomla's registration form, restrict acces to LF's registration form.
- Fixed several issues including fields editable only by admin, etc.
Love Factory 4.4.0 released on December 9, 2015.
- New feature: Love Factory Activity Plugin.
- New feature: currency symbol position option.
- New feature: show on My Membership page remaining resources for daily features (messages, interactions, etc.)
- New feature: added override CSS stylesheet (create the file [Joomla]\components\com_lovefactory\assets\css\override.css and add there your overrides; this file will not be overwritten on upgrades).
- New feature: added default value for the radius field.
- Optimisation: text field custom validation error message.
- Optimisation: refactored notifications.
- Optimisation: redirect guests to login page when trying to use free or trial memberships.
- Optimisation: redirect users to memberships page when failing to activate free trial.
- Optimisation: default field privacy.
- Optimisation: My Membership page displays dates in extension format.
- Optimisation: Default membership prices and trials will not appear in Prices list.
- Optimisation: updated members module gender query.
- Optimisation: show error message if registration is disabled.
- Refactored backed user profile update.
- Fixed issues reagrding hide comment text from activity stream if user is not allowed to view it, language strings typos, video comments activity entries not recording, same gender interaction restriction when interacting with own profile, individual publish buttons on backend notifications, users list membership filter on backend, gateway field on registration module, field label tooltip, textarea field rows and cols parameters, fields privacy on search results, currency display, fields privacy on registration module, update prices on registration form, asterisk color on terms and conditions field, check default membership restriction, membership on new user creation, load js on field privacy, Memberships page display, backend dashboard users panel, view own profile photo restriction, invoices section showing all invoices on frontend, import jomsocial users, updated settings registration disabled warning text, profile photo field visibility, check if user has default membership, validation on custom text regexp.
Love Factory 4.3.9 released on November 2, 2015.
- New feature: added new membership restrictions (can read private messages - if disabled then redirect to membership plans; can read photo/video comments - if disabled then redirect to membership plans; can read profile comments - if disabled then redirect to membership plans; can see avatar (enable/disable) - if disabled then pixelize; can see profile (enable/disable) - if disabled then redirect to membership plans.
- New feature: added username restrictions (on registration) to forbid specific characters in usernames, or forbid specific usernames.
- New feature: added media gallery link on other profiles.
- New feature: added registration page menu item.
- Optimisation: refactored membership restrictions.
- Optimisation: refactored membership user assignation.
- Optimisation: check page setup columns Bootstrap columns.
- Optimisation: added option for the Router system plugin to check for menu item route.
- Optimisation: show full edit field description on mobile and tablet view.
- Optimisation: updated activity implementation.
- Optimisation: updated the way profile privacy is handled.
- Fixed issues regarding display of photos and videos, delete group button, router plugin for profile, marking old memberships as expired, guest accessing user profiles, Info Bar profile option, added SEF route for gatway process URL, updated settings tooltip, hide unavailable profiles in search results, router plugin text search field.
- Requirements: starting with Love Factory 4.3.9, min. versions required for integration are Chat Factory 4.3.6 and Blog Factory 4.2.4.
Love Factory 4.3.8 released on October 16, 2015.
- New feature: added media gallery link on other profiles.
- Optimisation: show profile photo when using the profile photo field on edit page.
- Updated YouTube integration.
- Fixed issues regarding notification on changed Membership, display of Checkbox and Radio fields, language segment on system router plugin, Router plugin save extension event, next item photo button.
Love Factory 4.3.6 released on September 18, 2015.
- New feature: Administrators can create user profiles.
Love Factory 4.3.5 released on June 23, 2015.
- New feature: added notification to user when membership is changed.
- Optimisation: show notification to admin in case of conflicting registration options.
- Optimisation: removed obsolete Infobar backend option.
- Paypal Payment Gateway updated.
- Fixed issues regarding compose message Javascript on reply, Javascript on Radius search, photo orientation.
Love Factory 4.3.4 released on June 8, 2015.
- Google Maps API key is no longer required.
- Optimisation: photo orientation from exif data.
- Fixed issue regarding current profile photo when updating profile.
Love Factory 4.3.3 released on April 21, 2015.
- New feature: Registration page module.
- New feature: Radius search page module.
- New feature: Profile page module.
- New feature: Friends page module.
- New field: Price (display a list of available prices).
- New field: Gateway (displays a list of available payment gateways).
- New feature: added option "Purchase membership on registration" (General Settings / General tab / Registration fieldset).
- New feature: Added option "Guests and default membership restriction" (General Settings / General tab / General fieldset).
- Fixed issues regarding Email field rendering data on view page, registration email field, reset form button on module search form, maximum photo upload size on profile photo field, advanced search cancel friendship request, default membership restriction on My Friends view.
Love Factory 4.3.2 released on January 12, 2015.
- New feature: added opposite gender profile display restriction.
- New feature: added opposite gender search restriction.
- Optimisation: added help buttons on component backend.
- Optimisation: added receiver and sender display name tokens to notifications.
- Fixed several display issues on Beez template, updated compose message form to use Love Factory display name, notifications token issue, missing language strings.
Love Factory 4.3.1 released on December 2, 2014.
- Fixed issues regarding Backup & Restore, search page, hide interactions toolbar item if interactions are disabled, do not show textarea field help if none exists.
Love Factory 4.3.0 released on November 6, 2014.
- New feature: product template is now responsive.
- Opitmisation: updated gender and looking for fields default labels on search page.
- Fixed several small issues including privacy buttons on registration page, RTL toolbar menu items, search module display.
Love Factory 4.2.2 released on October 20, 2014.
- New feature: display name is now updated for all users after settings have been saved.
- Fixed issue changing membership from backend.
Love Factory 4.2.1 released on October 16, 2014.
- Fixed issue regarding language string typos and Members module.
Love Factory 4.2.0 released on October 13, 2014.
- New feature: Opposite gender can now be defined for the Gender custom field.
- New feature: Admin can select how grouped members are displayed on map: on new page or on map.
- New feature: Added admin option to show profile on members map and radius search on click or hover.
- New feature: On membership change, set privacy for extra photos and videos to private.
- New feature: Profile photo custom field can now be used on profile edit page.
- New feature: Administrators can toggle profile settings fields and set default values.
- New feature: Allow users to change their vote for other profiles.
- New feature: Added user profile link on backend approval page.
- New feature: Implemented display name.
- New feature: Implemented free message replies membership feature.
- New feature: Implemented sending notification to users that have not filled their profile.
- New feature: Implemented sending notification to administrators when a new report is submitted.
- New feature: Implemented sending notification to administrators when a new payment notification is received.
- New feature: Implemented sending notification to administrators when a new order is placed.
- New feature: Implemented new notifications system plugin.
- New feature: Members module can now display only opposite gender profiles to the current user.
- Updated backend settings boolean field tooltips.
- Fixed several issues regarding deleting Love user profile when removing Joomla user, sending new payment notification when no notification is defined, add new payment gateways notice on backen, payment gateways, how profile rating was calculated, profile status change, marker clusterer showing wrong number of members on Google map, privacy buttons display, videos privacy dropdown, backend view user videos.
Love Factory 4.1.6 released on September 19, 2014.
- Updated TargetPay IPN check.
- Removed deprecated classes and methods.
- Renamed component installation manifest file.
- Added new branding.
- Updated users statistics module to display custom gender names and icons.
- Fixed issues regarding editor, payment notification script, Chat Factory integration.
Love Factory 4.1.5 released on April 10, 2014.
- New feature: added privacy authorisation for: comments, activity stream and friends views.
- New feature: remove awarded ratings on profile remove.
- Added plugins folder to Smarty configuration.
- Updated compose message link to use user id.
- Fixed issues regarding text field validation when field was empty, sending new message notification, deleting user profile photo from backend, photos search condition, pre-filling fields when replying to a message, show descriptive error when uploading a registration photo larger than allowed, hide friends options on profile settings if friends are disabled, hide membership features that are disabled (friends, interactions), saving banned words, saving price when gender field is removed, set profile alerts when filling-in profile.
- Updated Memberships view to include Blog Factory access feature and Blog Factory access when updating all sold memberships.
- Removed Google Checkout payment gateway since discontinued.
- Compatibility with Joomla 3.3.x.
Love Factory 4.1.4 released on February 3, 2014.
- Added template overrides support.
- Fixed issues regarding membership selection when purchasing membership, search multiple field type, filter banned words using case insensitive words, update user status, update profile with locked fields, guest permission for advanced search form, sending notification emails to users.
Love Factory 4.1.3 released on December 3, 2013.
- New feature: approve Friendship Request messages.
- New feature: limit Friendship Requests.
- New feature: remove message when sending Friendship Request.
- Fixed issues regarding Google Maps, Top friends feature will not be displayed if Top friends has been disabled from settings, same gender interaction feature will not be displayed if all memberships have the same value (enabled or disabled).
Love Factory 4.1.2 released on October 20, 2013.
- New feature: Import data from Jomsocial (fields, user profiles, blocklist, messages, photos, photo comments, videos (YouTube only), video comments, groups, friends).
- Added confirmation when breaking friendship.
- Fixed issues regarding compressing Javascript and CSS files.
Love Factory 4.1.1 released on August 20, 2013.
- New feature: Blog Factory integration.
- New feature: ItemId to be used for creating the registration link is now selectable from list of all item Id's.
- New feature: added "message" token to the Friendship Request notification.
- New feature: added Relationship Request notification.
- Fixed issues regarding filling the receiver field with the receiving member's username when replying to a message or sending it directly from the profile page, new group/delete group on backend, group latest activity on frontend, redirecting messages were not being displayed, Members module (Latest My Profile Visitors) when approving photos enabled, replying to messages (pre-fill fields).
Love Factory 4.1.0 released on July 16, 2013.
- Added support for PostgreSQL.
- Fixed several small issues including back/restore issue.
Love Factory 4.0.0 released on June 11, 2013.
- Support for Joomla 3.0.x.
Love Factory 3.5.6 released on May 3, 2013.
- Fixed issues regarding breaking relationship, Chat Factory integration (users not receiving Chat Factory messages).
Love Factory 3.5.5 released on April 2, 2013.
- New feature: added option to display members in the Members Module: Latest Active Members.
- New feature: option to enable by default the Infobar for new users.
- New feature: added display mode for radio input fields.
- New feature: jump to results on the search page when using the pagination links.
- Fixed issues regarding Members module reload after saving configuration, Advertisement Factory create ad button not working when Love Factory module is published, restore backup, added jump to results from the search module, profile visitors weren't registered properly, members module when filtering by membership, registration with no uploaded profile photo (photo was still registered in Activity stream), repeat password, select the Itemid to be used for the search module, mail being sent when approving multiple objects, added CURL support when retrieving geolocation using Google Maps, missing language strings.
Love Factory 3.5.4 released on March 26, 2013.
- New feature: different title on profile page for the Interact fieldset depending if viewing own profile or other user's profile.
- New feature: possibility to use custom smiley for interactions: upload in the [Joomla dir]/components/com_lovefactory/storage/interactions folder the icons you want to use named wink, hug or kiss and whatever extension. If the component finds the file it will use that icon instead of the default one.
- New feature: possibility to select how the "Search only for members with photos." works: return users with photos in their Photos Gallery or users that have set their profile photo;
- New feature: added option for the select field to be used as multiple select on the search page.
- New feature: added option to open profile links in new window for search results, members module, members' map and radius search.
New feature: added option to enable/disable friends.
- New feature: added jump to results after submitting a search option.
- Fixed issues regarding Search module redirecting to the Advanced search page regardless of the module's parameters field "Search Type", height and weight fields displaying blank values, Memberships were always reset to default on some particular PHP versions, settings were erased when updating, some issues regarding SEF and 3rd party SEF components.
Love Factory 3.5.3 released on March 13, 2013.
- New feature: added new field types (slider, height and weight).
- Fixed several issues including profile on frontend, private group memberlist, add new youtube video, delete comment, infobar, logout after membership being paid, shoutbox if not logged, group thread information, video thumbnails, slider field on the filling and registration pages, Backend profile approval (profile was not displaying), Backend edit profile (sliders fields were not displaying).
Love Factory 3.5.2 released on March 6, 2013.
- Fixed several issues including repeat every ads, photo comments, logout, profile comments, groups, default photo, photos field on the search form (search page) not displaying accurate results on the view page (not filtering photos by privacy status), friends and photos field not displaying accurate results when both used on the same page.
Love Factory 3.5.1 released on February 18, 2013.
- New feature: administrator new user registered notification.
- New feature: fields mapped for the Joomla profile are automatically set as required on the registration page.
- Fixed issues regarding page rendering on PHP 5.2, saving settings when entering a bad Google Maps API key, ReCaptcha field but no ReCaptcha keys set, saving an empty text field, advanced search, radius search, update search.
Love Factory 3.5.0 released on February 4, 2013.
- Refactored most of the code.
- Improved layout on frontend.
- Starting with version 3.5.0 all updates will be made using the Joomla component update system (simply install over the previous version the new release). Because many changes were made to version 3.5.0, upgrading from an older version is not possible, only from the latest 3.3.2 version (using the normal upgrade process for the component). However, not everything will be restored! The following will NOT be restored: wallpage entries, groups posts, notifications, reports, user's Google Maps Location, custom fields properties (after upgrade check every field and set the fields properties again), it's possible that not all custom field will be restored, for the fields that will be restored, it's possible that in some cases the values entered by the users will not be restored (after upgrading, all users should update their profile), zones titles, fields titles, check page setups after upgrade, it's possible that some other things will not be restored, so YOU SHOULD CHECK THE UPGRADE PROCESS ON A BACKUP VERSION OF YOUR SITE FIRST!
Love Factory 3.3.2 released on January 10, 2013.
- Fixed issues regarding profile approval, word wrap on the profile page, viewing other member's friends list, search results pagination when changing the sort by field, search results when logged in user is in a relationship, search module on the memberships page.
Love Factory 3.3.1 released on November 6, 2012.
- New feature: multiple search field.
- Fixed issue regarding classic uploader when location fields are enabled.
Love Factory 3.3.0 released on October 15, 2012.
- Improved layout on backend.
Love Factory 3.2.2 released on August 20, 2012.
- New feature: search form module.
- Fixed issues regarding registration form classic uploader (validation failed), upgrading to unlimited membership from backend, restore settings from back-up, saving fields of type "Drop down single select", profile approvals record do not appear on the approval list after changing the avatar.
Love Factory 3.2.1 released on July 9, 2012.
- New features: added backend option to store user photos in user folder, or all photos in one folder.
- Improved re-fill form when registering and submitting wrong captcha.
- Fixed issues regarding photo comments reports, approval of messages, on registration not allowing gender change, new message notification sent twice when using approval system, resize photo on "My Gallery", only approved photos can be set as avatar, backend assign user default membership, registration form classic uploader (validation failed).
Love Factory 3.2.0 released on May 24, 2012.
- New feature: Approval System (enable/disable from settings) for: profile updates, photos, videos, comments (profile, videos, photos), groups, messages, group posts.
- Fixed issues regarding message report notification, missing language strings when uploading video errors, back button for video gallery, spaces between checkboxes and labels, default photo when uploading main photo on signup, registration Google Maps location not being saved, sending new comment notification, delete comment wallpage entry when removing comment, back button on search page after clicking a result profile, token authentication, notification links when using the approval system, PHP 5.4 warnings, Joomla 2.5.6 payment gateway, etc.
Love Factory 3.1.5 released on May 16, 2012.
- New feature: option for fields to be viewable/editable only by admins (enable/disable).
- New feature: option for comments to be removed by receiving users (enable/disable).
Love Factory 3.1.4 released on April 23, 2012.
- New feature: delete profile visitors from database added to CRON jobs.
- Fixed issue regarding AJAX pagination on several pages, default user photo depending on gender, backend membership change interactions, etc.
Love Factory 3.1.3 released on February 27, 2012.
- New feature: join button on the Group's page.
- New feature: possibility to view IPN for received payments.
- Fixed issues regarding system plugin check when component is not installed, gender pricing, use the TinyMce editor on the settings page (regardless of the default text editor), system plugin registration redirect when menu item exists for Joomla's registration, textarea area field in search form, creating a field and then changing its type (from one that requires an index in the database to one that does not require an index), system plugin redirects when SEO enabled and menu item to registration form created, classic uploader (when membership photos limit was set to unlimited).
Love Factory 3.1.2 released on February 8, 2012.
- New feature: added default images for payment gateways: PayPal, Moneybookers, offline.
- New feature: maximum file size upload (backend settings).
- New feature: Google Maps integration (use all type of fields as location fields).
- New feature: added option to select the Itemid when creating the link for each module.
- New feature: check if registration_photos folder exists.
- Fixed issues regarding membership end date when unlimited, adding a YouTube video to the video gallery (if no thumbnail is uploaded, then the thumbnail from YouTube will be downloaded and used), date format, backend settings: "Allow users to change profile status" was not being saved correctly, frontend profile edit: users will not be able to change profile status when "Allow users to change profile status" is set to "No", radius search/members map: users with profile offline were showing up on result, display on search page, pagination and router on the search pages, added Itemid for all links in modules, displaying notification if field is hidden, several other small issues and improvements.
Love Factory 3.1.1 released on February 6, 2012.
- Fixed issues regarding search height field (when unit is set to metric), restore backup from older version, Google maps integration on backend (no location defined), membership start and end date calculated with server and user offset, added missing language strings, Google Maps settings on backend (integration map initialization when selected tab is Integrations).
Love Factory 3.1.0 released on January 31, 2012.
- Support for Joomla 2.5.x.
Love Factory 3.0.1 released on January 9, 2012.
- Fixed issues regarding changing membership (unlimited time, old one was not marked as expired properly), offline payment (added default notification).
Love Factory 3.0.0 released on November 30, 2011.
- New Product Concept.
- New feature: Invoices.
- New payment plugins: offline payment, Google Checkout, iDeal (targetpay). Attention! Payment plugins were redesigned for an easier implementation and maintenance. Warning! Old plugins will not work on this version!
- New feature: classic photo uploader (for non-flash devices).
- Fixed several issues regarding select gateway page, saving settings (when updating the pricing settings), backend messages, unlimited membership, dashboard, profile editing on same gender interaction, Google Checkout IPN, added info tips for settings in Google's Checkout settings page, etc.
Love Factory 2.4.2 released on October 25, 2011.
- Updated Paypal's IPN validation process (to upgrade, overwrite [Joomla dir]/administrator/components/com_lovefactory/plugins/payment/paypal.php with: [archive]/packages/
- Fixed issue regarding banned words not being filtered.
Love Factory 2.4.1 released on October 10, 2011.
- Fixed issues regarding use location fields to determine user location, Payments (view full log), view video when smarty templating on, birthday reminder module (include buttons.css file), info bar showing in modal iframe.
Love Factory 2.4.0 released on August 18, 2011.
- Support for Joomla 1.7.x.
- New feature: number of group's posts shown per page (admin settings).
- Fixed issues regarding radius search page (members grouping), search condition on checkboxes custom field type, display of backend user, memberships and pricing options, shoutbox when SEF enabled.
Love Factory 2.3.7 released on August 1, 2011.
- Fixed issues regarding Google map location on user profile view in backend, tags on notifications emails, deleting videos, display banned users on dashboard, dashboard payments, gallery, text field on advanced search page using slider, search condition on text field, random members module (members displayed on rows), create new group link shown when users were not allowed to create new groups, admin creating group from backend with no Love Factory profile (photo, link), backend dashboard latest reports (report type not defined).
Love Factory 2.3.6 released on June 23, 2011.
- New feature: Love Factory Latest Viewed: visits are no longer stored in session, but in the database; added date display mode option; added show unique/all option.
- New feature: possibility to select where to redirect the user after logging in using the Login Form (not the module); requires the Love Factory System plugin to be enabled.
- Fixed issues regarding display mode in Love Factory Profile Visitors module, My Friends pagination, default language for email notifications, "&" in members map members links.
Love Factory 2.3.5 released on June 9, 2011.
- New feature: option to show unique visitors or all visits on the Profile Visitors module.
- New feature: Info Bar enabled by default.
- New feature: added pagination to the Random Members module.
New feature: email notifications enabled by default for new users.
- Fixed issues regarding pagination on Latest Members module, permissions when creating the user folder on registration, email notifications field disabled if email notifications are disabled from settings, last seen on field value.
Love Factory 2.3.4 released on April 27, 2011.
- New feature: members with same location shown as list (with pagination) in Members' Map and Radius Search page.
- New feature: member's info shown as tool tip in Members' Map and Radius Search page.
- New feature: display x number of groups per page.
- Fixed issues regarding using location fields to determine user position and user location is empty (remove old location), sending multiple notification mails to admins when user changes membership, payment when gender pricing is enabled, swf-upload when system language plugin is enabled, empty option line for fields, template, photo comment add when system language plugin enabled, registration mail as html format, height field when set to metric, spacer field on edit and search page, users not active for "Session Lifetime" minutes (from Global Configuration) will be shown as offline, spacer field update, users online search condition, main photo upload field on the registration page (when not required and user doesn't upload a photo), profile status update with UTF-8 characters, Latest Members module display under IE 7, etc.
Love Factory 2.3.3 released on April 8, 2011.
- New feature: option to show/hide members with default membership from searches: quick and advanced (enable/disable option in back-end settings).
- Fixed issues regarding user profile page link, membership plans page (no. of months, smarty display), payment gateway confirmation (display no. of months), swfuploader debug mode, main photo upload on fill-in page IE 7, missing language strings.
Love Factory 2.3.2 released on April 6, 2011.
- New feature: Location Fields are now set in the Integration zone for Google Maps: city, state, country.
Love Factory 2.3.1 released on April 4, 2011.
- Fixed issues regarding added blank option to date of birth, in case date of birth is not required, users are not assigned a default birth date, AJAX search for friends on Top Friends page.
Love Factory 2.3.0 released on March 17, 2011.
- New feature: free members on radius search/members map (enable/disable).
- New feature: define username maximum field length (characters).
- New feature: terms and condition link to article.
- New feature: send change membership email notifications to users that are not Love members.
- New feature: banned words list filtering in profile fields.
- New feature: range searchable fields (only fields of type input).
- New feature: added height field (imperial or metric unit type with slider for search).
- New feature: disable same gender interactions per membership (message, profile comment, interactions, chatfactory, photo comment, video comment, ask for friendship, ask for relationship, add to ignore list.
- New feature: filter module results based on gender: user setting (cookie), per module.
- New feature: default Google Maps position for Members map.
- New feature: multilanguage notification emails.
- New feature: manage the registration confirmation email (multilanguage).
- New feature: add debug mode for swfupload (enable/disable).
- Improved search page pagination.
- Improved search and filtering queries.
- Alert on settings page -> user plugin must be enabled!
- Added extra checks when deleting files from the frontend.
- Fixed issues regarding last date seen, document including jquery javascript files, backup/restore.
Love Factory 2.1.0 released on January 28, 2011.
- New feature: select available genders for modules: latest, etc.
- Improved multilanguage support (all fields are now translatable, including the default ones).
- Fixed issues regarding error when gender changing is set to No and gender field is available on the edit profile page, when registration was set to override and Joomla profile already existed, etc.
Love Factory 2.0.0 released on January 18, 2011.
- Redeveloped for Joomla 1.6.x.
Love Factory 1.7.6 released on April 6, 2011.
- New feature: Location Fields are now set in the Integration zone for Google Maps: city, state, country.
- Fixed issues regarding default Google Maps starting position on Members Map, user plugin issue (when deleting from Joomla User Manager a user that does not have a Love Factory profile), manual payment validation.
Love Factory 1.7.5 released on April 4, 2011.
- Fixed issue regarding added blank option to date of birth, in case date of birth is not required, users are not assigned a default birth date.
Love Factory 1.7.4 released on February 1, 2011.
- New feature: users are able to delete their own groups.
- Fixed issues regarding signup model redirecting (instead of returning boolean result for redirecting from controller), in_array using strict type comparison and JRequest::getInt not returning an integer when get_magic_quotes_gpc is on, installation: rename -> JFolder::move.
Love Factory 1.7.3 released on January 6, 2011.
- New feature: added possibility to change date format (xx minutes/days ago OR custom format) for all dates throughout the component.
- New feature: administrators can delete comments on profile, photos, videos (enable/disable from the backend).
- Fixed issues regarding relationship requests seen as friendship requests when members were already friends and when trying to break a relationship and members are also friends, inbox delete message (smarty template), search results (when no results were returned), cron job (send end membership notification), module profile visitors (when not on Love Factory component page).
Love Factory 1.7.2 released on December 6, 2010.
- New feature: horizontal layout for latest members module.
- New feature: added "from" and "subject" to new message notification email.
- New feature: user plugin to delete Love Factory profiles when deleting users from Joomla.
- Chat Factory integration: delete Chat Factory profiles when deleting Love Factory users (requires minimum Chat Factory 1.2.3).
- Renamed TableMessages to no interfere with other components.
- Fixed issues regarding email validation on registration, IE7 Javascript on online members page, default Google Maps starting position was not used in registration (filling and profile edit), added blank option to info bar status dropdown box on the profile edit page, etc.
Love Factory 1.7.1 released on November 25, 2010.
- New feature: added the possibility to have free memberships if using prices per gender (Attention! Please check your prices after update, as value 0 entered in the gender price input now represents a Free Membership).
- New feature: possibility to remove the close button from the infobar (enable/disable from backend).
Love Factory 1.7.0 released on November 24, 2010.
- New feature: Interest Groups.
- New feature: token authentication links for notification emails (Factory Token Authentication plugin must be enabled).
- Fixed several issues regarding friends limit, saving Google Maps location when registering, JavaScript on online users page, users cannot send friendship request to themselves anymore, updating default membership's max. interactions per day, applying for a trial membership (updating chatfactory status, top friends, groups create, groups join), missing language strings, template, etc.
Love Factory 1.6.8 released on November 4, 2010.
- New Feature: added the possibility when deleting a user, to keep the comments (profile/video/photo), ratings, etc. the user already posted (users -> options).
- New Feature: users can delete entries from their wallpage (option available only on their wall page).
- New Feature: possibility to set the ItemId for the registration page.
- Fixed several issues including shoutbox module (when module class suffix was set), see photos link, custom pagination and ajax, delete friendship, Google Ads and search results (AJAX pagination), date of birth when maximum age was set greater than 100, MySQL 4 search query, IE layout fieldsets, several Smarty templates, last members module layout, sets memory_limit and max_execution_time to greater values when performing backup or restore to prevent script timeout, etc.
Love Factory 1.6.7 released on October 28, 2010.
- New feature: My gallery (photo & video) action links can now be shown: always or on mouse over (admin settings).
- Fixed several issues including fancybox navigation buttons not displaying in IE8, registration email validation, link creation for gallery view (id -> user_id).
Love Factory 1.6.6 released on October 20, 2010.
- New feature: hide ignored profiles from searches (enable/disable for admin).
- Fixed issues regarding photo gallery link on profile page, backend main photo field saving field specific parameters when get_magic_quotes_gp, using text before %%username%%.
Love Factory 1.6.5 released on October 15, 2010.
- New feature: Videos section (support for embedded videos).
- New feature: Infobar buttons can now be enabled/disabled.
- New feature: possibility to set for each Infobar button the ItemId it will use.
- Fixed several small issues.
Love Factory 1.6.0 released on September 27, 2010.
- New feature: added new system fields: a. Profile Rating, b. Spacer, c. Captcha field (using ReCaptcha service), d. Terms and conditions (Attention! Old Terms and Conditions will be lost! Save them manually and restore them after upgrade.)
- New feature: added Top Friends (enable/disable from backend, different values depending on the membership).
- New feature: added the possibility to differentiate memberships in search results using CSS classes. CSS file responsible is search.css found in [Joomla dir]/components/com_lovefactory/assets/css/views/. To style a membership add a CSS rule: ".lovefactory_membership_X" (replace X with the ID of the membership you want to style). Check CSS file for examples.
- New feature: added possibility to group members on search radius page.
- New feature: added possibility to define the default search field and order for search results.
- New feature: added possibility to define the number of friends shown on the profile page.
- New feature: added links to: view my profile, edit my profile, my gallery and my friends on the info bar for easier access.
- New feature: Last Visited Module (displays a list of last visited members).
- New feature: Friends Birthday Module (shows who's friend's birthday is coming up: today, tomorrow, this week, this month).
- New feature: Users Statistics Module (shows the total number of registered members and for each gender).
- Improved search page adding Ajax pagination.
- Improved friends page adding Ajax pagination.
- Rewritten the frontend language file for easier customization and better maintainability. (Attention! The old language file will not work anymore, you will have to translate the new language file.)
- Several other improvements and fixed issues including ie8 flash upload and transparent flash upload background, Google Maps location on the View Profile page.
Love Factory 1.5.2 released on September 10, 2010.
- New feature: XHTML valid.
- New feature: verify users task from Users page will now remove Love Factory profiles (administration area).
- Optimization: improved search page (much faster searches for large number of members).
- Fixed several small issues.
Love Factory 1.5.1 released on August 31, 2010.
- Fixed issues regarding rendering and no ads are set, when using own created menu item to membership buy (error "selected price was not found"), advertising with smarty templates (not showing up), default photo when main photo is set but file does not exist, save settings, smarty template on profile page, no redirection to profile filling page when Registration Mode was set to ".... but require Profile Filling" and a user with no profile tried to view his own profile, default photo not being displayed in the latest users module, smarty templates (translation of '%s text' strings), backend user profile photo link to gallery.
Love Factory 1.5.0 released on August 27, 2010.
- New feature: Advertising; ads can now be placed between the search results at every x rows (Google AdSense).
- New feature: Chat Factory advanced integration allowing users to chat only if they purchased a Love Factory membership with chat rights (requirements: minimum Love Factory 1.5.0 and Chat Factory 1.2.0).
- Optimized backend menu.
- Fixed several small issues.
Love Factory 1.4.6 released on August 17, 2010.
- New feature: added Gravatar integration; users are now able to add their Gravatar just as a regular photo.
- Added notification on settings page if settings file is writeable or not.
- Added check when creating backup file if backup settings file is writeable or not.
- Fixed issues regarding creating member links using JRoute on members map and radius search pages, creating radio fields, removing user's geolocation when user was deleted, two columns in advanced search.
Love Factory 1.4.5 released on July 28, 2010.
- New feature: added Shoutbox module (enable/disable).
- New feature: restrict access to Shoutbox (no access/only read/full access) depending on membership.
- New feature: added new location for the infobar - top.
- New feature: allow administrator to set infobar location (top or bottom) or allow users to set individually.
- New feature: added for main photo field link to point to User's photo gallery on Profile Page and User's profile page on rest.
- Redirect user to membership plans page when trying to perform an action that required a superior membership (enable/disable from backend).
- Optimization: own jQuery library for no interference with other components.
- Fixed issue regarding distance field on the search page, update Google Maps location using location fields when registering and filling the profile, blank profile was created on some particular cases.
Love Factory 1.4.4 released on July 16, 2010.
- New feature: "In a relationship with" linking the partner (enable/disable from backend).
- New admin setting for starting point and zoom for radius search (if a user is logged in then the starting point will be his home location and the zoom the one set by admin).
- New search filter on gender for radius search.
- HTML support on emails (enable/disable from backend).
Love Factory 1.4.3 released on June 28, 2010.
- New feature: Google Maps location is automatically updated using the location fields.
- Updated About component section to work with php 5.3.x.
Love Factory 1.4.2 released on June 4, 2010.
- New feature: Trial Memberships.
- New interaction: Hugs.
- Added "Radius Search" and "Members map" pages to "Restrict default membership access to" list.
- Fixed issues regarding photo upload (absolute upload path), added icon on upload picture button in My Gallery, My Gallery display issue under IE.
Love Factory 1.4.0 released on June 1, 2010.
- New feature: Radius search (using Google Maps).
- New feature: Members map (using Google Maps).
- Added 2 new system fields: Google Map location and Distance.
- Redesigned My Gallery page: now supports multiple uploads and real time progress bar.
- New option to share pictures with: Public, Available only for friends or Private.
- New administrator option: allow users to change profile status (enable/disable).
- Fixed some minor issues.
Love Factory 1.3.4 released on March 16, 2010.
- New Feature: restrict access to different sections of the component, for default memberships (enable/disable from the backend: Advanced search, Ignore list, Comment (add, delete, report), Friendship (request, accept, remove, cancel, reject), Friends list, Pending friendships requests list, Gallery, Inbox, Interaction (send, respond), Interactions list, Mailbox (empty inbox, empty outbox), Message (send, delete, report), Read message, Write message, My friends list, My gallery, Online users list, Outbox, Other profiles, Rating (add), Quick search, Status, Detailed wallpage).
- Fixed issues regarding online users query taking into account of normal search conditions, plugin redirect on registration, gender price check, latest members module with no members, restrict guests to view profiles, when users are not validated -> show "Never" on last seen field instead of xxx days.
Love Factory 1.3.3 unreleased.
- New feature: photo comments.
- New feature: notification when photo comment received.
- New feature: send notification to admins when user changes membership.
- New feature: enable/disable each notification from backend.
- New feature: enable/disable each action recorded for the wallpage from backend.
- Fixed several issues including friends photo in profile page, added warning if trying to upload a photo too large in the gallery.
Love Factory 1.3.2 unreleased.
- New feature: separate subscription payments for genders (enable/disable from backend).
- New feature: allow users to change gender (enable/disable from backend).
- New feature: display fields status for fields that are not visible (hidden or only for friends) (enable/disable from backend).
- Fixed several issues including latest module, action table, etc.
Love Factory 1.3.1 released on February 24, 2010.
- New feature: added possibility to show search results on 1 or 2 columns (configurable in backend).
- Added some more validations after creating the backup file and sending it to the user for download.
- Fixed several issues regarding: plugin import model, set smarty debug to off, restoring from old version of Love Factory: looking for field, changing "Looking for" field from multiple choice to single choice, translation of multiple choices fields (from entire string -> every option), translation of Looking for field when is set as multiple choice (from entire string -> every option), restoring from old version of Love Factory: main_photo field, compatibility to older MySql versions, latest users module photo (big photo instead of thumbnail when ajax loaded), info bar javascript (removed debug stuff), backend users list (when selecting filters on banned or membership), MySQL install table missing field, performing javascript validation on required (but unpublished fields).
Love Factory 1.3.0 released on February 18, 2010.
- Re-factored most of the code, for better maintainability and easier extensibility.
- Improved some SQL queries for better performance.
- Improved router for better SEF URLs.
- Implemented three registration modes:
- 1. Overriding the Joomla's registration system (users only have to register once, a Joomla profile and a Love Factory profile are created at the same time) (uses the Love Factory plugin).
- 2. Using the Joomla registration system, but require users to fill in their Love Factorry profile before they can use any of the component's functions.
- 3. Using the Joomla registration system and do not require users to filling their Love Factory profile (an empty profile will be created the first time they use the component's functions).
- Implemented a plugin system for Payment Gateways.
- Added option in the backend (enable/disable) to first sort the results of the search by the membership order and then by the user's selected criteria.
- Implemented an Infobar (uses the Love Factory plugin) to show information about new messages, interactions or pending friendship requests. This can be enabled/disabled from the backend and on a user level. From the backend the interval at which it refreshes can be set to reduce server load.
- Implemented Status box (enable/disable from backend): user can set their status about what are they doing right now. Maximum number of characters can be set from the backend.
- Implemented Wallpage (enable/disable from backend): shows recent activity from the user (status change, photo added, new comments or new ratings).
- New Module: Last visitors; users can see who who last visited their profile.
- Added several custom system fields:
- A. Online status: shows the online status of the user; labels for the online and offline are editable.
- B. Email: field used only when the registration mode is set to override; can be set to check for availability using ajax.
- C. Password: field used only when the registration mode is set to override.
- D. Password repeat: field used only when the registration mode is set to override.
- E. Main photo upload: field used only when registering or when filling in the profile (users can be forced to upload a photo in order to use the site/component).
- F. No. of friends: shows the number of friends of the user.
- The Title of custom fields (user or system fields) can be hidden (enable/disable) from the backend.
- The Labels of custom fields (user or system fields) can be set depending on the type of page being shown: view, edit or search. (For example: the field Date of birth on the edit page should be labelled as "Date of birth", but on the view page it should be labelled as "Age" and on the search page as "Age between").
- Custom fields of type Text area can be set to allow HTML tags.
- Custom fields of types Drop down (multiple select) and Checkboxes can be set their SQL query operand (OR/AND).
- Last seen custom field can be set to show the date in regular mode or in "x days ago" mode.
- Main photo custom field can be set to link to user's profile page, user's gallery page or no link at all.
- Sex custom field can be set to show in 2 modes: Drop down (single select) or Radio buttons.
- Looking for field can be set to show in 4 modes: Drop down (single select), Radio buttons, Drop down (multiple select) or Checkboxes; using the last 2 options, users can have a multiple selection choice.
- Username field on the registration page can be set to check the availability using ajax.
- Improved the pages creation page: zones can be moved around using drag and drop functionality.
- Added 2 more customizable pages using custom fields: profile fill in page and friends list view page.
- Users can hide/show the search form.
- Search results can now be ordered by Number of photos or friends.
- Redesigned the profile view page, added more ajax functionalities for a better user experience.
- Added a quick reply mode to received messages.
- Changed the memberships implementation: all the memberships sold, are now being saved. For example: user A buys membership B for 1 year which allows him to have a maximum of 10 friends. Six months later the administrator decides that 10 maximum friends are to much for membership B and reduces the number to 5. User A won't be affected by the change, as the membership was saved and it will be applied for the remaining six months. Also, if a user buys a membership for unlimited time, then this membership will be used if no other membership is active.
Love Factory 1.2.1 released on December 10, 2009.
- Fixed issues regarding membership for which the payment was made (wasn't being registered in some cases), the search results weren't taking into account radio buttons, PHP4 compatibility, gallery shows only thumbnails, users where allowed to change system fields (sex and looking for) to regular fields issue, backend user photo gallery view, etc.
Love Factory 1.2.0 released on November 23, 2009.
Love Factory 1.1.7 released on November 5, 2009.
- Implemented SagePay payment gateway, form method (
- Users IP's are recorded and displayed on user edit page (backend).
- Option to include / exclude banned profiles into searches (backend).
- Default member photo customizable depending on user's sex.
- New membership feature: Interactions can be limited on a per day basis.
- Some improvements to the Settings page (backend).
- Fixed several minor issues.
Love Factory 1.1.6 released on Octobre 22, 2009.
- Latest member modules shows the latest x members (including pagination).
- Added enable/disable interactions (global and per interaction, new tab in settings page).
- Added return link on gallery page.
- Added hidden menu for Itemids.
- Added currency info tip.
- Fixed issues regarding Latest Members module, backend user edit issue.
Love Factory 1.1.5 released on September 17, 2009.
- Photos save date is stored now for HotorNot Factory integration.
- Fixed issues regarding viewing full friends list, sign up (accepting terms and conditions), pricing with decimals.
Love Factory 1.1.4 released on September 14, 2009.
- Fixed issues regarding all user friends view and smarty show user photo.
Love Factory 1.1.3 released on September 9, 2009.
- Optimized MySql queries (faster search members times).
- Main photo is set automatically, no need to click the "Save Order" button.
Love Factory 1.1.2 released on September 8, 2009.
- Fixed several issues including joomfish and payment gateway.
Love Factory 1.1.1 released on July 28, 2009.
- Fixed several issues regarding unlimited messages, limit reach template, menu module, admin reports, set the memberships settings to 0 (max friends, photos, messages) set negative number: -1, if the messages limit has been reached (on replay) detailed error message shown, sending messages, translation issues in admin buttons.
Love Factory 1.1.0 released on July 16, 2009.
- New feature: added Wink as new interaction.
- New feature: users can hide specific fields (hide to all users, disable or show only to friends).
- New feature: edit profiles in backend (see details, edit text, actions on pictures).
- New feature: restrictions on messages for membership plan (limit nr. messages per day).
- New feature: custom fields validation (numeric or regex).
- New feature: emails configuration in backend.
- New module: "Best Rated Members" (set to view x members).
Love Factory 1.0.0 released on June 17, 2009.