briefcase Factory 4.2.1 released on October 5, 2020.
- Fixed several small display issues on backend.
briefcase Factory 4.2.0 released on March 17, 2020.
- Optimization: updated the backend About page.
briefcase Factory 4.1.9 released on November 7, 2018.
- Compatibility to Joomla! 4.x.
briefcase Factory 4.1.8 released on May 22, 2018.
- New feature: added option to search media description.
- New feature: display image thumbnail (if enabled) when updating file.
- New feature: display downloads from shares on My Briefcase.
- Optimization: update media link.
- Fixed issue regarding search on private and public shares.
briefcase Factory 4.1.7 released on February 15, 2018.
- Optimization: added folder size progress bar display.
- Optimization: improved share to groups dialog.
- Optimization: better error message when uploading bulk files fails.
- Optimization: file upload form optimization.
- Fixed several issues regarding private and public views on folder display, buttons display, inflector.
briefcase Factory 4.1.6 released on November 14, 2017.
- New feature: added option to generate thumbnail for image files.
briefcase Factory 4.1.5 released on April 26, 2017.
- Compatibility to Joomla! 3.7
briefcase Factory 4.1.4 released on February 28, 2017.
- Implemented online update system.
briefcase Factory 4.1.3 released on October 25, 2016.
- New feature: sort briefcase files by date or title.
briefcase Factory 4.1.2 released on July 7, 2016.
- Optimization: insert default category when installing extension.
- Optimization: moved assets to media folder.
- Updated inflector class.
- Fixed issue regarding bulk add from server.
briefcase Factory 4.1.1 released on April 4, 2016.
briefcase Factory 4.1.0 released on February 18, 2016.
- Compatibility to Joomla! 3.5
- Compatibility to PHP 7
- Fixed issue regarding file edit extension check.
briefcase Factory 4.0.9 released on November 3, 2015.
- Optimisation: Joomla upload safe files restriction workaround.
- Fixed issues regarding statistics module, HTTPS.
briefcase Factory 4.0.8 released on January 16, 2015.
- Optimisation: show on Backend files list info about removed or root folder.
- Optimisation: added help buttons on component backend.
- Fixed issue regarding backend permissions for non super users, permission to backend settings, remove files when deleting folders form the backend, show general folders when adding a new file or moving files, displaying settings after saving with cache enabled, frontend authorization issue (redirect to login).
briefcase Factory 4.0.7 released on September 15, 2014.
- New feature: product is now responsive.
- Removed deprecated classes and methods.
- Added new branding.
- Fixed autoshare issue when adding a file from backend.
briefcase Factory 4.0.6 released on May 21, 2014.
- New feature: added notification when uploading into another user's briefcase.
briefcase Factory 4.0.5 released on May 9, 2014.
- New feature: added upload form on CB private plugin.
- New feature: implemented default notifications status option.
- Fixed issues regarding backend form rules field and boolean field.
briefcase Factory 4.0.4 released on May 6, 2014.
- New feature: added global frontend upload for selected user groups.
briefcase Factory 4.0.3 released on April 30, 2014.
- Updated Private and Public Shares views.
- Updated CB plugins.
- Fixed several issues including table up folder link for Private and Public Shares views, shares in subfolders, un-sharing folder, pagination on Public and Private Cb plugins, pagination on Public and Private Shares views.
briefcase Factory 4.0.2 released on February 17, 2014.
- Added index to users table.
- Updated views to display properly on Beez template.
- Fixed search filter on frontend items form.
briefcase Factory 4.0.1 released on January 24, 2013.
- Fixed several issues including when using Internet Explorer 8 and 9.
briefcase Factory 4.0.0 released on May 23, 2013.
- Support for Joomla 3.0.x.
briefcase Factory 3.5.1 released on February 19, 2013.
- New feature: AJAX filtering by username on sharing.
- New feature: Private and Public shares filter by username.
- Fixed issues regarding user restricted to receive files still showed up in sharing list, updating briefcase view with SEF and "Adds Suffix to URL" enabled, user sharing pagination with SEF and "Adds Suffix to URL" enabled, search filter on private shared files.
briefcase Factory 3.5.0 released on February 4, 2013.
- New updates feature: starting with versions above 3.5.0 all updates will be made using the Joomla component update system (simply install over the previous version the new releases).
- New feature: unavailable buttons on the frontend Briefcase section are now disabled and unclickable.
- Fixed issues regarding frontend access management restrictions were not applied correctly, removed backend upload restriction options as it was already set from the permissions section.
briefcase Factory 3.2.1 released on September 12, 2012.
- Fixed issues regarding about component page, permissions after installation, renaming folders, bulk upload, edit title and description, shared files properties, delete folders, filenames with empty spaces, current folder path, share to users and share to groups from backend, edit category, added component submenu on the categories page, latest public files module.
briefcase Factory 3.2.0 released on August 3, 2012.
- Improved component layout on backend and frontend.
- Removed Vodes Integration.
briefcase Factory 3.1.2 released on June 1, 2012.
- Fixed issues regarding sharing when user belongs to multiple groups, "Maximum file(s) size" admin overrides, etc.
briefcase Factory 3.1.1 released on February 7, 2012.
- New feature: Joomla specific menu items for views
- New feature: backend add files (sort and show directories and then files; for each file you can set: category, folder and description; after adding files the file browser retains the current path).
- Install method = "upgrade"
- Fixed issues regarding folder sharing on groups, backend about page, with Artio, with Gantry framework, CB plugin, file shared directly to user and to user's group.
briefcase Factory 3.1.0 released on January 31, 2012.
- Support for Joomla 2.5.x.
briefcase Factory 3.0.1 released on January 19, 2012.
- Fixed issues regarding error showing folder name in backend in files list, sharing file to group (when user from that group was in more then just one group).
briefcase Factory 3.0.0 released on November 30, 2011.
- New Product Concept.
- Fixed issues regarding jQuery (when template or other extension has its own version of jQuery), change category action (selected My Files tab), restrictions, added groups shared in backend files list.
briefcase Factory 2.1.0 released on August 22, 2011.
- Support for Joomla 1.7.x.
- Fixed issue regarding backend settings (save share and restricted group).
briefcase Factory 2.0.1 released on June 6, 2011.
- New feature: upload files in the current folder.
- Fixed issues regarding calendar popup, pagination issues on Public Shared Files and Shared Files for Me pages.
briefcase Factory 2.0.0 released on April 11, 2011.
- Redeveloped for Joomla 1.6.x.
briefcase Factory 1.6.1 released on April 14, 2010.
- New feature: added the possibility for auto-share files to the admins.
- Fixed issue on install (set default charset to UTF-8 for tables and FTP layer active), triggering "Share files only with these admins", when "Set Max File-size" was empty, etc.
briefcase Factory 1.6.0 released on November 17, 2009.
- Added to the kit the standalone modules and plugins: Community Builder Plugin Pack (My files and Private files), Top Module, Statistics Module and Vodes Credits Module.
briefcase Factory 1.5.5 released on October 19, 2009.
- New feature: administrator overrides.
- New option: "Allow public downloads for guests" (enable/disable).
- Tabbed settings in administrator area.
- New module: user frontend module to display the files which were shared directly to the user by the admin user group.
- Fixed several issues including: multiple pages users select share, particular template display problem, public shared files tab shows up only when public shares are enabled or an admin has shared public files overriding the default setting, etc.
briefcase Factory 1.5.3released on April 17, 2009.
- Sort categories alphabetically.
- Fixed issues regarding overlib, SQL, Share files only with these admins, Public share, loader bar under IE, redirect to login form, CB integration, new Vodes table names.
briefcase Factory 1.5.2 released on March 19, 2009.
- Fixed some issues regarding chmod 0777, xajax error handle and Vodes points.
briefcase Factory 1.5.1 released on March 13, 2009.
- New feature: added new Search Plugin Option (Search my files, my shared files, public files).
briefcase Factory 1.5.0 released on March 3, 2009.
- Redeveloped to be a native Joomla 1.5.x component.
- New feature: File FTP Upload for Administrator.
- New feature: Set allowed file types.
- New feature: Search Mambot for Joomla Search.
- Several improvements including find user when sharing, AJAX on upload files, etc.
briefcase Factory 1.3.2 released on December 2, 2008.
- New feature: JoomFish Integration.
- Fixed issue while moving files/logoff, "My Files" in legacy mode (table #__core_acl_aro_groups field group_id became id in J1.5), overlib on file listing, etc.
briefcase Factory 1.3.1 released on August 22, 2008.
- Fixed issue regarding browse folder for admin, editing multiple categories, JACL.
- Set upload folder notifications and rights.
- Several code optimizations.
briefcase Factory 1.3.0released on August 1, 2008.
- Support for Joomla 1.5.x Legacy Mode
- New feature: admin option to enable/disable the public tab and the public uploads
- New feature: admin option to enable/disable that registered users can only share files with administrators
- New feature: admin option to enable/disable that when registered users upload a file that file must be shared automatically with admin users (if it is enable they would not need to select to anybody; the list of users would not appear and the file would be shared with several administrators; there is also a setting to select the admin users that are chosen to receive direct shares)
- several code optimizations and improvements
briefcase Factory 1.1.1 released on November 11, 2007.
- Fixed bug in admin regarding changing categories
- Fixed bug in frontend for no upload users ("My Files" was showing up if directly linked)
briefcase Factory 1.1.0 released on October 30, 2007.
- Added ActionList replacing the old Main Menu Buttons
- Added JACL support (Group Sharing & Group exclusions)
- Added File Description
- Added Share Time limit
- Added File Time limit (file auto-deletes after a certain date)
- Added VODES support (credit system) - Prices for downloads (allows site to get a commission)
- Hacked XAJAX to allow other XAJAX based Components and modules to work with Briefcase
- Fixed bug regarding filter categories
- Fixed IE bug regarding Select boxes poking out through the Sharing DIV
- Fixed IE Bug regarding special characters (invalid XML response)
briefcase Factory 1.0.4 released on August 3, 2007.
- Added Language Pack: English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish
- Fixed bug regarding making a file public and sharing it to all users at the same time
- Fixed bug regarding un-sharing a public file or folder which remained public
- Fixed bug regarding files downloaded from briefcase in IE7 that came out zero bytes in size
- Fixed bug regarding unsorted files in the admin
briefcase Factory 1.0.3 released on July 23, 2007.
- Added Icons to Files and Folders
- Added Email Notifications for New Shares
- Added "New Share" Icon to new Private Shares
- Fixed bug regarding sharing and un-sharing Folders
briefcase Factory 1.0.2 released on July 13, 2007.
- Fixed bug regarding Javascript Error when making new folder to users in IE
briefcase Factory 1.0.1 released on June 23, 2007.
- Fixed bug (not able to download own files)
- Fixed bug regarding Javascript Error when sharing to users in IE
briefcase Factory 1.0.0 released on June 1, 2007.