Ads Factory 4.6.1 released on February 15, 2021.
- Fixed several small issues including price setting, saving ad, etc.
Ads Factory 4.6.0 released on May 21, 2020.
- Compatibility to Joomla! 4.x.
- Separated templates folders for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4.
Ads Factory 4.5.0 released on October 18, 2018.
- New feature: images for main categories.
- New feature: grid display for search results.
- new feature: watermark text for ads images.
- Updated product templates to Smarty 3.
- Fixed several issues including post without terms and conditions, location on map in ad details, posting two steps ads, CB profile, etc.
Ads Factory 4.4.2 released on June 15, 2017.
- Updated 2checkout payments.
- Fixed issue regarding custom fields filters, when upgrading or installing (that could cause blank page, with Joomla's JInputFilter class).
Ads Factory 4.4.1 released on April 26, 2017.
- Compatibility to Joomla! 3.7
Ads Factory 4.4.0 released on March 10, 2017.
- thePHPfactory Framework Update.
- New feature: added Paytrail Payment Gateway (only supports EUR payments; test credentials are filled by default, replace before going live!)
- New feature: added Mollie Payment Gateway (only supports EUR payments).
- Implemented online update system.
- Multiple code optimizations and improvements, including product template changes.
- Fixed issues regarding routing with multiple thePHPfactory extensions on the same site, categories page not showing when cache was enabled, search module (regarding incompatibility with new Joomla variable cleaning method), etc.
Ads Factory 4.3.2 released on November 16, 2015.
- CB plugins version update.
- Fixed issues regarding user delete, free credits and user plugin, message form post.
Ads Factory 4.3.1 released on August 11, 2015.
- Paypal Payment Gateway updated.
- Fixed issues regarding date/time offset, User profile plugin, YouTube.
Ads Factory 4.3.0 released on April 20, 2015.
- Extension backend layout optimized. (Attention: if upgrading from a previous version please re-save the settings and overwrite your templates. The following settings have been renamed: hide_contact -> show_contact; disable_images -> enable_images; and their logic has been reversed.)
- Fixed several issues including 'Set Expiration hour', Backend User list 'Profile Filled' filter, untranslated strings to the language files, backend sidebar compatibility to Joomla 3.4.
Ads Factory 4.2.9 released on December 22, 2014.
- New feature: Help button in administrator for wiki.thephpfactory documentation.
- Improvement: Payments History (more details for order items).
- Fixed issue regarding IPN ACL.
Ads Factory 4.2.8 released on November 10, 2014.
- New feature: Add to Cart for Pay per Featured, Pay per Contact, Pay per Package, Pay for Credits, Add Balance.
- New module: View Cart Info.
- Updated theFactory Framework version 3.0.0.
Ads Factory 4.2.6 released on October 22, 2014.
- Improved CSS media queries for ads listings, payments history package display, custom fields validator.
- Fixed several issues including custom field date save and edit.
Ads Factory 4.2.5 released on August 21, 2014.
- Compatibility with Joomla! 3.3.x.
- Updated theFactory Framework.
- Added new branding.
- Fixed several issues including guest message permission, before date search, edit ad on back end without default Google map coordinates defined, map hidden on edit when Contact payment item enabled, map display in CB Profile tab.
Ads Factory 4.2.1 released on June 11, 2014.
- Several query improvements.
- Fixed some small issues regarding reCaptcha and CSS.
Ads Factory 4.2.0 released on May 7, 2014.
- Compatibilty with Joomla 3.3.x.
Ads Factory 4.1.0 released on April 1, 2014.
- Default template made responsive and improved visual elements (removed other outdated themes from the kit, left only default template and demo).
Ads Factory 4.0.3 released on October 25, 2013.
- Added a few improvements at theFactory Framework.
- Changed refreshing currencies rates from Google to Yahoo API due to discontinued service.
- Fixed several issues regarding pay per image when default price needed, missing images, ad edit admin url save, router payments.history, etc.
Ads Factory 4.0.2 released on September 25, 2013.
- Fixed several small issues including search on custom fields, language file on search plugin.
Ads Factory 4.0.1 released on September 6, 2013.
- Updated theFactory framework.
- Fixed issue regarding guest post error message.
Ads Factory 4.0.0 released on August 7, 2013.
- Support for Joomla 3.0.x.
- New features: pay per Package (certain admin defined credit usage).
- New features: pay per Credit (defined admin discount in order to receive extra credit).
- Changed the extension internal ads monetary from credits to real currency.
Ads Factory 3.4.4 released on April 4, 2013.
- Fixed several small issues including sort ads list by start date, import csv images archive, translate menu items, new ad form border removed.
Ads Factory 3.4.3 released on November 29, 2012.
- Google maps version 3 integration.
- Several code improvements regarding language files, images moved to media folder, template adjustments, private ad message visibility, etc.
Ads Factory 3.4.2 released on October 25, 2012.
- New feature: added a new tab with user credits for CB Integration User Profile Page.
- Fixed some small issues regarding the display, credit info visible only by the owner, ad edit 24h restrictions, display list ads filter order conform settings change, URL type assign free credits for an user.
Ads Factory 3.4.1 released on October 19, 2012.
- New feature: categories page letter filter.
- New feature: "new listing" icon on ads list category page;
- New feature: option to display ads lists sorted by start date or by ending date.
Ads Factory 3.4.0 released on October 10, 2012.
- Improved layout on frontend and backend.
- New payment gateway: Saferpay.
- Fixed several issues including search plugin, save main price, etc.
Ads Factory 3.3.6 released on August 24, 2012.
- New feature: option to enable/disable transliterate category name
- New feature: search also by price range in advanced search
- New feature: new module for Price Search Range.
- Fixed issue regarding custom fields administrator pagination.
Ads Factory 3.3.5 released on June 29, 2012.
- New feature: date format.
- New feature: search multiple keywords.
- Improved admin dashboard and extension backend.
- Added Apply buttons for 'listing', 'featured_gold', 'featured_silver', 'featured_bronze', 'contact' payment items.
- Fixed several issues including module full tree display, save settings on profile integration, mail notification title lost on disable Mail Type, Price listing not allowed to be 0, search page (display assigned custom fields before category change when AJAX Enabled for category select), ads listing (date format display as selected format), gallery settings reset to default when General settings changed, etc.
Ads Factory 3.3.3 released on May 16, 2012.
- Fixed issues regarding check box custom field on search page and filter.
Ads Factory 3.3.2 released on May 9, 2012.
- New feature: added total ads per category (main category and subcategories) on Categories page.
- Improved breadcrumbs path.
- Fixed issues including display custom fields per category on edit ad, etc.
Ads Factory 3.3.1 released on March 21, 2012.
- New feature: New ad on backend.
- New feature: Dashboard page in backend.
- New feature: Ad Coordinates & Location, Video URL for edit Ad on backend.
Ads Factory 3.3.0 released on February 14, 2012.
- Support for Joomla 2.5.x.
- New fields: Ad postcode and ad city.
- New search option: Ad postcode.
- Custom fields displayed for page user profile.
- Fixed issues including search after multiple select custom field, small video, image display, if enabled category selection page (the pre-configured Availabilities Ranges no longer worked and the custom fields for the selected category no longer appeared), custom fields on page edit User Profile (save multiple select field type), etc.
Ads Factory 3.2.1 released on January 27, 2012.
- Fixed issues regarding ad credits consume when ad unpublished and user has credits (listing enabled), ad credits cost for ad published and featured unchanged (listing disabled).
Ads Factory 3.2.0 released on January 24, 2011.
- New feature: Sage Pay payment Gateway using the Form method.
Ads Factory 3.1.0 released on December 29, 2011.
- New feature: Google Checkout payment gateway (set Google Checkout IPN Callback contents: Notification as HTML (name/value pairs)).
Ads Factory 3.0.0 released on November 23, 2011.
- New Product Concept.
- Improved workflow allowing to change an image for an active ad.
- Database change: added a new column (table #__ads_pictures)
- Fixed issues regarding restrictions user limits, etc.
Ads Factory 2.6.5 released on November 1, 2011.
- Changed the payment flow for direct payment Checkout setup: removed intermediate pages - Save ad leads directly to Pay Button.
- Information: If an ad is paid (published) and user wants to add a paid image or silver/bronze/gold level only the new features will be charged (in this case user must have enough credits).
- Information: If ad doesn't have a confirmed pay (status is unpublished), ad can be edited and paid like a new ad, but start date and end date will remain unchanged.
- Updated Paypal's IPN validation process.
- Fixed issues regarding if selected featured level ads were published as featured and not paid as guest then posting featured level ads or paid images is not an option, edit ad page for Payment Item listing option 'preconfigured Availabilities Ranges', featured levels for new ad were not displayed for a user without a record in user_credits table.
Ads Factory 2.6.3 released on October 7, 2011.
- Fixed issues regarding custom category prices, edit_add template (no feature info if all featured plugins disabled), report ad submit, etc.
Ads Factory 2.6.2 released on October 3, 2011.
- New feature: added unitary price/credit.
- New feature: buy credits directly on checkout.
Ads Factory 2.6.1 released on September 5, 2011.
- New feature: New Icon is displayed next to the category name if new ads inside (latest 30 days).
- Fixed issues regarding grizzle theme (new/edit ad, validate function price compulsory check), improved function for new/edit ad validate attachment extension, IE9 video play.
Ads Factory 2.6.0 released on August 25, 2011.
- Support for Joomla 1.7.x.
- New feature: video fields (embedded).
Ads Factory 2.5.0 released on August 18, 2011.
- New feature: unified credit type for packages (Attention! Database changes).
- New feature: Pay per image.
- New feature: PDF attachment extension allowed.
- Multiple code and feature improvements, including featured ad can be set from new ad page, etc.
- Multiple issues fixed.
Ads Factory 2.1.0 released on June 9, 2011.
- Fixed issues regarding filtering on search, limited categories level on 10, if an user has credits for featured ad (will be displayed a Featured level radio button, else message: You have 0 Credits; You need to purchase credits in order to set a featured Ad., searchBookmarks (added a map condition), added condition in application class file: if(function_exists('parse_ini_file')), save custom fields order to be displayed in smarty template (more than 1 custom field for a selected position), display error if ad not saved in admin, changed version info file (DOMIT not used in J1.6), ajax_search_selectcategories (for search page select categories dropdown list), component time zone, display guest messages, modified send Message code for message/reply message in ad detail tab.
Ads Factory 2.0.0 released on May 12, 2011.
- Redeveloped for Joomla 1.6.x.
Ads Factory 1.8.4 released on April 18, 2011.
- Improved Quick Add on categories.
Ads Factory 1.8.3 released on March 17, 2011.
- New feature: added message body (tables/adsman.php, application.ini).
- New feature: added a category filter to display only search-able custom fields in search page.
- Fixed issues regarding exists conditions (table addsman load id for delete), changed the description of the max availability in admin settings and CRON query, changed jQuery var into jQueryFactory (in module adsfulltree), upload function.
Ads Factory 1.8.2 released on March 3, 2011.
- New feature: added two filters on backend for Open/Closed and Public/Private Ads.
- Fixed several issues including SEF URL for categories, CB integration (selected fields from com_profiler and not from #__user, query for com_profiler LEFT JOIN to display ads list, insert plugin id in comprofiler_tabs for user profile My Ads, Google tab), count categories and subcategories in mod_adscattree (only active ads), removed several notices.
Ads Factory 1.8.1 released on February 10, 2011.
- Fixed several issues including filter tags warning, category SEF table php 4.4.9, SEF on category, package purchase page have no image, tooltip with thumbnails in admin and thumbnail location, category tree modules (display closed or banned auctions number), etc.
Ads Factory 1.8.0 released on January 24, 2011.
- New feature: new category module with unlimited levels.
- Several code improvements and optimizations like: List Ads pagination, AJAX category selectbox with setting AJAX category load (usual category load), automatic positions filters fields assignment on item category, upgrade to featured Ad Bar (when counting featured items), enable root category posting, editor buttons setting (On/Off), etc.
- Custom Fields optimizations: AJAX render and display toggled fields, new parameter "Select lists" to have "Select field" empty option, search AJAX instead of plain JavaScript for custom fields toggle.
- Fixed several issues including CB Integration (core fields not to populate available select box fields), ACL missing task (unregistered posting enabled, issue on toggling custom fields on category change at posting), Save Mail (redirect before saving mail), Language loaded after some authorize warnings, Template (demo theme category page breaks when 3 categories), missing language (definitions for Search, Fill your user details first!), component TIME Offsetting, etc.
Ads Factory 1.7.5 released on January 11, 2011.
- Optimization on search page; if more then 1000 users the select box is replaced with a input box to prevent loading and displaying a lot of users.
- Fixed several issues including JS fields not compulsory but js toggleFields constructs class as class="required", numeric JS validation, new supposed to be exist already index on ads users userid column, mail on mess sending when guest posting enabled, custom fields filtering, CB or Love Factory selected profile compulsory and required no matter what, etc.
Ads Factory 1.7.4 released on December 21, 2010.
- Optimizations for MySQL on custom fields limit of joins.
- Fixed issues regarding Itemids, JS in Grizzle template (custom fields), loading custom fields on details page (not loading details page without SEF), short description counter id "left" replaced with "descr_counter" to avoid id conflict, mail settings Save form mail now saves enable flags on all listed emails, verify paypal email case insensitive, etc.
Ads Factory 1.7.3 released on December 17, 2010.
- New feature: Search keyword in category name.
- Optimization: mail sent to first superadmin if "Mail From" not defined or not found on site configuration.
- Fixed issues regarding controller layout, Price Listing redirection (double ads, validation), Pricing Templates Itemid's adjustments, no custom fields on export XLS.
Ads Factory 1.7.2 released on November 30, 2010.
- New feature: Edit Ad on backend (upload/remove images, attachment).
- New feature: Edit Ad Type on backend (public/private).
- Fixed several issues including Price Listing valabilities, CRON not closing ads when compulsory fields created, current user not loaded on new ad page, send watchlist mail from admin publishing, category name in sendMails, etc.
Ads Factory 1.7.1 released on November 10, 2010.
- New feature: "Messages List Private" (admin option; set on No will display to all users, set to Yes will display only to registered users and only there messages).
- Fixed several issues including Cron, JS error on new ad, Category module counting archived items, etc.
Ads Factory 1.7.0 released on October 27, 2010.
- New feature: new field types (calendar, date time).
- New feature: Payment Gateway Plugins Backend Interface.
- New feature: Packages (membership packages allowing certain promotions).
- New feature: separate prices for pre-configured periods.
- New feature: Payment bulk pricing buying task.
- New feature: Themes Backend Interface.
- New feature: Gallery Plugins Backend Interface.
- New feature: New Gallery Plugins (MooTabs, Simple Gallery, Simple Carousel).
- Optimization: Categories List is_new flag for categories if ads published in latest 30 days.
- Optimization: Pricing Listing Backend Interface.
- Optimization: Custom Fields Validation and Positions.
- Optimization: Custom Fields assigned on category (AJAX compulsory state toggler).
- Optimization: YUI Gallery 2.8.1 Update.
- Optimization: Menu architecture, User Area Improvements, etc.
- Fixed several issues including Custom Fields assigned on category (compulsory server side validation), Statistcs Page Pagination Issue), Country filtering issues when CB installed and not chosen as profiler, router (when two subcategories are having the same name), required profile disabled listing issue, install XMAP plugins, positions display, backend fields integration, etc.
Ads Factory 1.6.1 released on September 28, 2010.
- New feature: added new theme Demo.
- Fixed issues regarding router (category view with &), custom field categories with no field assigned, CB Plugins warning on install, search on custom fields, missing {set_css} for templates, uneditable category (if select category page was disabled).
Ads Factory 1.6.0 released on August 24, 2010.
- New feature: Custom Fields for Category (other then title and description), toggle Category Fields on Search Page.
- New feature: Custom Fields integration for Category Item, default position in t_catlist.tpl for configurable fields display.
- New feature: configurable profile requirement (component, CB or Love Factory).
- New feature: on new add - Category assigned Custom Fields toggle when category selected (Select Category Page Disabled).
- New feature: Export Categories XLS.
- Positioning for templates favorites, my ads.
- New module: Search keyword filtering.
- Optimization: reported and Terms & Conditions forced application exit for modal.
- Optimization: removing filters one by one (not all filters selected at once).
- Fixed several issues including lost user session, profile integration Country, City, select boxes on search page empty, CB integration: saving fields, custom fields value on listing page when other then Ads Component set as profiler, custom fields issue on Edit Page (ancLoad method created), router.php filtering.
Ads Factory 1.5.9 released on July 21, 2010.
- New feature: New Mail types - New Ad Posted To Site Admin (unpublished) and New Ad Published To Site Admin.
- Optimization: Attachment validation issues (hard-coded error messages, must display compulsory attach after extension validation).
- Optimization: Custom Fields Values "remembered" after error in validating saving ad.
- Optimization: Listing Positions Verified Query removed (deprecated).
- Fixed several issues including: Joomfish XML Option Fields not installing, Backend Positions Save Template Issue on file location, Payment Gateway Toggle State Error, Purging the Category SEF in backend, Backend Integration when in saving field associations, Site Integration not redirected to selected user profile, Hard-coded Text Replaced with constant in price_listing.
Ads Factory 1.5.8 released on June 18, 2010.
- New feature: Google Map Integration available in list ads view (show amount of ads, filter by category).
- New feature: Search by Radius (using Google map, with input address, select radius).
- New feature: Move categories to other parent category (available in backend).
- New feature: Export to EXCEL now supports also custom fields.
- New feature: Custom field options are now editable.
- New feature: Apply button on the Custom field new/edit page.
- New feature: Country Manage Area (publish/unpublish).
- New feature: New theme - Summers.
- New feature: XMAP Plugin for SEO friendly.
- New feature: List Menu Item parameters: Filter category - default all, Filter user - default all, Sort by - default Date.
- New feature: Love Factory Integration.
- Several optimizations including GUI, frontend JS validation on short description character limit, Factory Custom Fields 1.3 (new method in fieldType getFilter), Joomfish translations XML fields and fields_options, CB integration (assign fields).
- Fixed several issues regarding Price Listing preferential categories (default price), Validations: end date validation, guest posting enabled (include joomla.javascript.js), template Category page (parent categories links under IE for <label> tags inside <a>, SEF (category.core.php getSEFCat), Joomfish (translate fields with options - getCustomFieldsJoin), Forum Twitter URL encoded links ($add->links.tweeter in makeLinks in helper), Forum edit backend ad (display category on ad page), Category SEF table empty, PHP4 incompatibilities, Saving attachments for republished ads, Republishing price listing, Search Select Boxes generation, Back-end Multi Approve payments, Ask Price validation, Notify user when Backend Manual New Payment, Statistics area (total ads number), etc.
Ads Factory 1.5.5 released on May 3, 2010.
- New feature: compulsory attachment setting.
- New feature: Custom Fields upgrade to theFactory 2.0 (field Info type; some info to appear next to the field; flag for multiple valued options, checkbox type, multi selectbox type, color picker type, custom field image fields.
- New feature: added visual Themes (default theme, pink, grizzle, green).
- New feature: Positions upgrade to theFactory 2.0 (new template available: userdetails, update to ads theming).
- New feature: Guest Ad Posting.
- New feature: enable/disable captcha for guest posting.
- New feature: Tell a friend - modal with message box to a friend's email (captcha verified if not logged).
- Module adsman details layout (short description and tooltip; parameter view type : default/details).
- Module adsman new parameter: featured type allowed: 'gold', 'bronze'; can create module instance with only gold items.
- Backend code optimizations: settings flags for show: 'price' yes - no , 'ad type' yes - no - ineligible value, 'published' yes - no - ineligible value (forum concluded), status published is now editable in edit offer page, user custom fields must appear in edit offer, user custom fields must appear in edit user.
- Code optimization on image uploading upgrade class to new version (1.0.3).
- IE code optimizations: Tabs WebFX replaced with JTabs, JavaScript, CSS sources moved in head tag of dom, YUI dom validated, pagination object separation - smarty $pagination is now a Joomla pagination object (now can be outputted {$pagination->getListFooter()} by other pagination parts independently on the template).
- Fixed several issues regarding backend description appear with html tags (<p>bla bla</p>), frontend grid sorting, validation of end date, start date compare (one to start tomorrow shall not show!), display of ads in other listings then my ads, show search page all categories, delete ads from admin doesn't delete attached files, require image, category task itemid, tag JFilter, price listing verify on free categories.
Ads Factory 1.5.4 released on February 26, 2010.
- Optimization: added Ad title with reference to the transaction under Admin/Classifieds/Manage payments/View Payments Page.
- Optimization: default order by date, id and title description.
- Optimization: for multiple record listings.
- Optimization: "General Settings / Display subcat. listings in parent" to count all subcategories; if disabled, the same workflow like till current version.
- Optimization: new validation for ad submit date and start date.
- Fixed several issues including display currency in column listing, saving end date on submission, canceled filter, search ads after start and end date, extending ads date, custom filed text area display, repeating tags, not displaying ads of deleted users, charset, categories status in backend, Joomfish Category SEF URLs (was translating the url's as Joomfish does automatically to queries; applied fix: url's stay untranslated), template (message list display rn instead of <br />), message date time format not as configured, watchlist button in grid view, thefactory/category without status, thefactory/category has_children with new parameter: show_active_only default false, category core, custom fields with compulsory fields store, grid template list sort, time in view ad after saving, display categories on user search page, etc.
Ads Factory 1.5.3 released on February 17, 2010.
- New feature: Language transliteration for Cyrillic chars and others (using iconv php extension) of URLs.
- Modified Ads links and category links.
Ads Factory 1.5.2 released on January 30, 2010.
- New feature: Custom fields attributes (html meaning) and parameter new properties.
- New feature: Custom fields are read from ini file.
- Fixed issues regarding Custom Fields Charset, Custom Fields Radio Box Type saving value, Date using Joomla in other language files, ItemId got lost After save when Installation List Ads menu Item not published (now ItemId is kept the "New Ad" menu Item id instead of List), Category not displayed Ordering in backend, Ads CB tabs issue (upgrade manually the CB plugins), image uploading missing message, price contact, deprecated method replaced (processTemplate instead of processDisplay), price when more payments gateways enabled, etc.
Ads Factory 1.5.1 released on December 30, 2009.
- New feature: search by only Categories with ads method.
- Fixed issue regarding listing price (category not saved when category page option enabled), SEF Category, custom Fields Search, custom Fields Edit (add empty options), custom Fields Ads, User via Page Positions, Listing disabled feature, method to display only ad containing categories, messages tab reply, scroll on reply, Price Listing Edit Fee and optimization: user friendly message when payment is in progress for the unpublished ad to edit (so users will know not to buy again listing for the same ad!), Smarty Helper Tab, Template charset, etc.
Ads Factory 1.5.0 released on December 8, 2009.
- New feature: RSS listings.
- New feature: Social Taggings; Tweet and Delicious links.
- Joomfish Integration: translatable static content and dynamic content from ads and categories table (only core fields by default).
- Custom Positions (designated area of template rendered with custom fields); Management of positions for List and Details page template; editing in templates for Positions; assigning custom fields to positions; positions dynamically load the custom fields assigned in templates in the designated area.
- New Payments features: Listing Pricing per Category, New Payment Gateway Plugin: 2CheckOut.
- Improved Spam Protection: ReCaptcha (replacing old Captcha system), spoofing checking & tokenized forms, cloaking email joomla, smarty, recaptcha.
- New Custom Fields Management features: delete custom fields, validation for custom fields on front (number, email and URL).
- New Administration Settings: Googlemap configuration, System information, Smarty Cache management.
- Routing optimizations: faster (first time routing optimizations/route table for categories).
- Component structure optimization: details layout stays in the component now; details page ad title appears in breadcrumb; Model methods for loading ad, user; Improved logics in details Template: separate templates for user, gallery sections in elements/details/..
- User Interface optimizations: proper validations for Custom Field Adding; override 'Enable Category Page' if there are no categories; Overlib replace with mootools Tooltip.
- Coding optimizations: new Custom Field validate format (mysql,uniqueness), replace inefective JFactory:: calls with &JFactory::; remove JURI:root() in helper makeLinks; Query optimizations, etc.
- Fixed several issues including: model listing (Order by all types of listing featuring not just gold), YUI upgrade to 2.8.0RC4, transliterate some url parameters for SEF (regional chars); HTML issues in templates; HTMLSafeOutput for Ad content in editing page, Cancel add message fixed, CRON, TAGS cloud module, tooltip, CB, CRON, helper/route.php, JAdsPayment replaced with JTheFactoryPaymentController, Payment IPN, CB integration, etc.
Ads Factory 1.4.1 released on November 6, 2009.
- Improved Payment.
- Fixed issues regarding SEF on categories, delete fields option, payment contact, end time, loose date on saving with other date format then default, clear editing session when new hit (after error edit ad is kept in session and deleted only when successfully), delete files, models/adsman.php, pricing listing on tax and edit, etc.
Ads Factory 1.4.0 released on August 17, 2009.
- New feature: Custom Fields for Ads and Users (if no CB usuage).
- New feature: Endless Subcategories Levels including module integration.
- New Category toolbar.
- New Gallery Plugin: YUI, Lyte.
- New Joomla Search Bot.
- Improved Commissions Plugin.
- Fixed issues regarding ItemID's, Install Kit, installing search plugin and plugins, ads post limit, pagination number; filter, navigation, ordering, metatags on categories; admin message on user profile, mails on report, show no map on ad when missing coordinates, help bullets, edit ad on admin if title with ", allowing non-logged users buying contact information, displaying blocked ads on search plugin, category selection issue, Joomfish language on front, ROOT constant, router, controller, helper, DB quote, etc.
Ads Factory 1.3.5 released on May 21, 2009.
- New feature: add new payment facility and credits.
- New feature: delete message.
- New feature: category description for SEF.
- New feature: Captcha for messaging (enable/disable).
- New feature: listing in subcategories on filters.
- New feature: option for guest messaging.
- Fixed several issues including sorting js on normal listing and latest ads module listing, search after country and city with CB, reply function, price validation (ask price), some missing language constants, default task ACL, category names for listing (not just simply SEF generated), constant for ADS_ERR_USER_PROFILE_NOT_FILLED, public task missing:default report not public, User Detail POST vs. REQUEST, ACL under J!1.5.11, etc.
Ads Factory 1.3.0 released on April 16, 2009.
- New feature: Multiple Payment Gateways. (Choose payment type if more then one enabled; new payment API can be created copying the files pay_paypal (or moneybookers) and rename it to the new desired one (Ex. Google Checkout); replace the code for IPN, custom names, descriptions of payment name, logo. then proceed with the 2nd step by inserting the new payment in the paysystems table.)
- New feature: Moneybookers Payment Method. (Paypal was already available starting with the first version).
- New feature: Extending classified feature.
- New feature: Limit of Ads (global limit/Low Priority, limit per user groups/Medium Priority, limit per users/High Priority).
- Fixed issues regarding: CB get profile inconsistency, start/end date editing issue, missing text definitions, Google Map issue with Firefox 3, Submission settings in admin issues for Chrome mainly, separated the Terms & Conditions saving from the general settings area (javascript Tiny MCE error in tabs generated in Firefox 3 and Chrome), action form, require image in backend, etc.
Ads Factory 1.1.0 released on March 6, 2009.
- New feature: enable/disable messaging.
- Fixed issues regarding Missing/assign ItemId in list view links, in listing module, on redirects between tasks, user profile must be filled to add a new ad, hard-coded constants in backend, menu type component not url with default alias.
Ads Factory 1.0.1 released on February 18, 2009.
- New feature: Start/End date editable in admin.
- Improved Private System; for private ads: if the pricing plugin contact is not enabled, user info and link are hidden and notice text is displayed, if the pricing plugin contact is enabled a link to user profile is displayed where the current user (if not the same user as the ads owner) will be noticed that he will be charged with credit if he chooses to continue to view the page or send to buy credit if he has no credit.
- Fixed issues regarding: name for addtype in template (it was add_type and it was not saved), JS Countdown possible issues for some browsers.
Ads Factory 1.0.0 released on January 25, 2009.