RSS Factory PRO is a professional RSS Aggregator and RSS Reader for your Joomla Website. It brings different view styles that will enhance your website look and feel, category browsing to create that SEO edge you might need, different story display (no need to get your visitors off from your website), IMPORT to CONTENT, including the new and complex feature of FULL Story import from the Source website and many more...

rss Factory PRO 1.6.0 released on March 29, 2010.

  • New feature: Hits for feeds.
  • New feature: new view sytle (iframe with toolbar).
  • New feature: add link at the end of the article to the original page.

rss Factory PRO 1.5.9 released on November 12, 2009.  

  • Compatible with PHP 5.3.0 and added some tweaks for PHP 4 compliance.
  • Improved version_info.php: xml-ul (parsing now with JSimpleXML, instead of domit which is incompatible with php 5.3.0).
  • Fixed several issues including category filter, feed title, tooltip, edit add redirect, strip comments from feeds, pagination without SEF, JS modal view, pagination links, html enteties in module, refresh on module voting, save on empty categories, ads related warnings, show only category in module, order categories on UNIX, htmlentities with UTF-8 encoding, import2content word filtering, title links from digg feeds, import from CSV, display date, creation date (from feed GMT), date publish_up (today, after the site time), date publish_down (today + offset_days, after the site time), when voting disabled (same item listed several times), category description, shorten-text in module for item_title or item_description, etc.

rss Factory PRO 1.5.8 released on Octomber 29, 2009.  

  • Fixed several issues including module tooltip, module display when only a single category was set for display, duplicate component when creating a new menu entry, images name formating in backend (lowercase, uppercase), notices and warnings on component settings, etc.

rss Factory PRO 1.5.7 released on Octomber 19, 2009.  

  • Menu items available to assign on categories even if the settings "show categories" is off.
  • Fixed several issues including module, plugin, ads (when nr. of ads bigger then number of stories), i2c full article, "read more" link on articles, incompatibilities with PHP4, etc.

rss Factory PRO 1.5.6 released on September 30, 2009. 

  • New module settings for "show only categories" (not id, using multiple selection.
  • Improved stories scalability from database.
  • Improved SEF.
  • Improved pagination.
  • Fixed several issues including show categories settings, menu items, module issue, ads, draggable divs, etc.

rss Factory PRO 1.5.5 released on September 24, 2009.

  • Joomla native MVC (building menu items with links to the component is easier).
  • Admin improved interface: using xajax for simple tasks like publish/unpublish, improved filtering for listings (feed sources, ads), improved error management.
  • Ads can be assigned to one or more categories (this will help displaying only the relevant ads for the feeds).
  • Component's settings are now saved in a zip-file instead of the database, increasing the performance and for an easier backup.
  • Headlines link to their stories (when displaying categories with preview).
  • Module can list feeds using: tabs, sliders, draggable divs, simple list, tiles.
  • Module can show each feed details using: tables, overlib, modal box and digg style.
  • Filter Categories on feed sources after parent and child indentation.
  • Experimental feature for import to content: parse full articles as a Joomla Content entry, meaning graphical interface that can let admins set some simple rules to define the container of the full story for each source feed separately; by setting the correct container, our application will be able to parse the full story and import it as article content in your site; this way, the article will contain the complete story, not only the short description from rss.
  • Fixed several issues including "draggable divs", bigger text areas for prepend/append text, search input design, ads display, warning on empty submitted feeds, save related-categories, save refresh password etc.

jAnswers Factory  provides the perfect Question and Answers Solution for the Joomla CMS integrating features from the well know Jahoo Answers system.

Users can ask questions, Community provides answers. Once a question placed, this can be extended (as period) if not answered. A Ranking system for answers is also available. Users can Report offensive text, mark Favourite Questions or use the extended search through the Knowledgebase. Read more...

jAnswers Factory 1.1.2 released on March 23, 2010. 

  • New feature: send a email notification to the administrator when a new questions is asked.
  • New feature: Watch categories.
  • Fixed several issues regarding email notifications, delete mail tabel on restore, listing questions order by start_date desc, MySQL 4 incompatibility, template set_css, report question/answer, vote answer, editing non-existing profile, user level calculation, payments, set featured (in admin), import csv.

MediaMall provides is a powerfull solution to manage media files online distribution with a built in Credit System. Using this component the site can easily sell media files (ex. Video Tutorials) online.

Using the MediaMall solution users can post their media files on your site. For each media file a number of Credits can be perceived in order to vizualise the file. The poster will earn credits, which can be later converted into a payment by the webmaster. Read more...

media Mall Factory 1.0.4 released on April 9, 2010. 

  • new feature: Payment History.
  • new feature: users are able to edit media (enable/disable from backend)
  • new feature: CB Community Builder tab to shows Purchased Media List and My Media Stats (check inside the downloadkit, install manually).
  • added animation on upload.

media Mall Factory 1.0.3 released on March 18, 2010. 

  • new feature: added 2 restrictions (groups of users can upload only free media and groups of users have limited uploads).
  • new feature: CB Community Builder tab to show My Files (check inside the downloadkit, install manually).


The latest Social Community Joomla Extension allows users to interact in the same way they are used on larger dating sites, and allowing you to enjoy the full power of Joomla. This Native Joomla 1.5.x MVC code does not require legacy plugin, and through 100% open source allows you to perform special tweaks for a better integration according to your needs.

Using a templating system (in this case we have a simple and an advanced system) your web site will keep a coherent look and a nice web 2.0 feeling.

Love Factory 1.3.4 released on March 16, 2010.

  • New Feature: restrict access to different sections of the component, for default memberships (enable/disable from the backend: Advanced search, Ignore list, Comment (add, delete, report), Friendship (request, accept, remove, cancel, reject), Friends list, Pending friendships requests list, Gallery, Inbox, Interaction (send, respond), Interactions list, Mailbox (empty inbox, empty outbox), Message (send, delete, report), Read message, Write message, My friends list, My gallery, Online users list, Outbox, Other profiles, Rating (add), Quick search, Status, Detailed wallpage). 
  • New feature: photo comments.
  • New feature: notification when photo comment received.
  • New feature: send notification to admins when user changes membership.
  • New feature: enable/disable each notification from backend.
  • New feature: enable/disable each action recorded for the wallpage from backend.
  • New feature: separate subscription payments for genders (enable/disable from backend).
  • New feature: allow users to change gender (enable/disable from backend).
  • New feature: display fields status for fields that are not visible (hidden or only for friends) (enable/disable from backend).
  • Fixed several issues including latest module, action table, friends photo in profile page, added warning if trying to upload a photo too large in the gallery, etc.

jAnswers Factory  provides the perfect Question and Answers Solution for the Joomla CMS integrating features from the well know Jahoo Answers system.

Users can ask questions, Community provides answers. Once a question placed, this can be extended (as period) if not answered. A Ranking system for answers is also available. Users can Report offensive text, mark Favourite Questions or use the extended search through the Knowledgebase. Read more...

jAnswers Factory 1.1.1 released on March 18, 2010. 

  • New feature: Backup/Restore
    Fixed several issues regarding reported questions/answers, events, levels, sql install.

jAnswers Factory 1.1.0 released on March 3, 2010.

  • New feature: Points/Events system.
  • New feature: Permissions/Levels (according to the number of points).
  • New feature: nested set Category model (for a higher scalability).
  • New feature: added possibility to implement own plugins based on the component predefined events (at this time 5 events are implemented).
  • New feature: Answer more then once; users are allowed to answer a question several times (administrator option, enable/disable).
    Improved code and SQL queries for better performance.
  • Fixed some issues regarding SQL, saving answers, display date answers, choose best answer, favorites, etc.
jAnswers Factory 1.0.7 released on February 9, 2010.
  • Fixed issues regarding SEO and non-seo links behaviour, permissions, user notification on own question, profile saving, table indexes, etc.

jAnswers Factory 1.0.6 released on July 5, 2009.

  • XHTML 1.0 transitional compliant
  • Improved SQL queries
  • Improved search after TAGS
  • Fixed issues when "select" multiple tags (with lots of "options", like those for users or categories), edit questions containing ' and " (on frontend and backend), treeview module (changed from YUI to jquery), install of treeview module, tagcloud module (if no tag exists).

jAnswers Factory 1.0.5 released on June 26, 2009.

  • New feature: "voting answers" permissions (public, registered, special); for "voting answers" set on public: option to store the guest vote in a cookie, preventing multiple voting.
  • Fixed issues regarding "escaped"  question on display, voting system, terms and conditions link, user rights notice, admin edit question containing '"' in the title, db tables indexes, some xhtml compliances.

jAnswers Factory 1.0.4 released on June 16, 2009.

  • Fixed issues regarding SEF and router.php file, about page on backend, improved coding, etc.

jAnswers Factory 1.0.3 released on June 3, 2009.

  • New feature: Public/Registred/Special statuses for different actions.
  • New Feature: CB Plugin.
  • Added possibility for users to edit their questions and add/remove answers from the backend for administrator.
  • Fixed several issues including categories display, cb issues, formatting of answers, username display, TAG search and SEF, etc.

jAnswers Factory 1.0.2 released on May 28, 2009.

  • Fixed several issues including saving profile information, status fields, removed notices.

jAnswers Factory 1.0.1 released on May 18, 2009.

  • Fixed several issues.

jAnswers Factory 1.0.0 released on April 17, 2009.