In the Payments section you find the payment items, methods configuration and payments.
- The payment items are actual services you charge users for, in the payments items list you see what each item is for, its type, price and currency. To enable or disable them click on the icon in the Enabled column.
For most Payment Items you need only to set the price and currency.
There are more complex Items that require a much extensive setup. For instance the Commission Payment item.
First you have the commission percent, the percent of commission perceived from won amount at every finished transaction.
The bidders balances tab shows all users on your website with their current balance, last payment date and commission details.The commission details show the bidder, balance and last commission payments. You can send him a payment notice here if he is late. Underneath this there is a list with the auctions he has participated in.
- The Payments tab shows payments made to you, you can also manually add a payment where you enter the user and amount.
The Send notices tab is used to send notifications to users as reminders to pay, you can select to send notification only to users with Last Payment Date newer than a set date.
- The payment methods section shows the methods users can use to pay and perform transactions.
Clicking on a payment method will let you change your email and enable or disable the method.
The payments tab has information about all payments made with information about them.