Allows to display specific feed sources or categories of feeds. Please read the notes for options and examples.
Valid options:
- categoryId : category ids
- sourceId : source ids
- searchTerm: some search terms
- nrFeeds: number of feeds displayed (default 10)
- displayMethod: choose between list,tiled,tabbed,slider,dragdiv (default list)
- outputStyle: choose between overlib,table (default overlib)
- tableAlwaysOpen: only for table view; choose between 0 and 1( if the table is always open or only on click; default 0)
- orderByDate: choose between 0 and 1; the feeds are ordered by date (newest first) (default 0)
- displayAds: choose between 0 and 1; ads will be randomized between feeds (default 0)
{rssfactory_pro categoryId="1,2,3" sourceId="10,11,12,13" searchTerm="foo,bar" nrFeeds="10" displayMethod="slider" outputStyle="table" tableAlwaysOpen="1" orderByDate="1" displayAds="1"}
{rssfactory_pro categoryId="5" nrFeeds="15" orderByDate="0"}
Additional notes:
All parameters will be delimited by " !!! ( categoryId="7" or searchTerm="test1,test2,test3" )